Snooze You Lose

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Ginny ran to Harry and slapped him. Harry pushed her back and tried to kick her, but he missed on purpose and fell on the bed instead. "That's what you get Potter!" Said Ginny who sticked out her tounge and made a silly face.

"Oh just you wait!" Said Harry, Ginny rolled her eyes and walked out of Ron's room. Harry and Ginny have been fighting recently and Harry doesn't know the cost of it. Ever since Harry kissed ginny she had been ignoring him and giving him the cold shoulder.

But by the way she handled the kiss it didnt seem like she hated Harry. They were making out right in the burrow living room. Whatever game Ginny was playing she was obviously winning at it, because Harry only wanted more of her.

Ginny giggled outside of the door when she saw Harry completely baffled, it took her a while to figure out that Harry liked her, but she wasn't letting him get to her so easy.

Harry got up and closed the door, he went to his bag that he was keeping and pulled out a book.

"Harry!" "Guess what!" Said Ron, "What?" Asked Harry who closed his book in a scared way.

"Mom and dad are going out!" "Me, you, Hermoine, and Ginny are going to be left alone!" Said Ron very excited.

"Great!" Said Harry who forced a smile, "Alright I'm going downstairs so I guess you can stay in here." Replied Ron.

Harry decided it was a good time to put up his book and go bother Ginny for a while, Harry got down on his knees and shoved his book back in his bookbag, then he walked over to the door, walked out of it and closed it.

Harry tip-toed to the stairs, he checked who was downstairs and saw that Ron and hermoine were on the couch watching a movie. He quietly ran back up the stairs and busted through Ginny's door.

Harry saw Ginny lying on her bed, half naked. Ginny scrambled for her sheets until she realized it was Harry, "Oh it's just you" said Ginny who rolled her eyes, "So" started Harry, "Wanna Fuck?"

"Ew. Of course not!" Said Ginny, she stood up and grabbed her wand, "listen here Potter, I don't love you, so leave me alone." Harry actauly felt hurt by what Ginny said and started backing up on a wall once Ginny pointed her wand at him.

Ginny pulled her wand on Harry's throat, "Please. Ginny." Begged Harry, "Please." "I-I love you."

Ginny quickly pulled down her wand and looked perplexed, Harry never told her that he loved her before. Plus the kiss was a one time thing, but without thinking- without planning- without realizing that she had her own wand on Harry's throat- she kissed him.

Harry slowly but passionately kissed her back. Their lips fitted together like pieces on a puzzle, and they both weren't ending the kiss anytime soon. Harry slowly moved his hands to her back and Ginny moved her hands to his shoulder, they soon made their way towards the bed.

Suddenly, the door opened and they both jumped off eachother.

It was hermoine and she just stood there, smirking.

"Your lucky Ron wasn't here."

Ginny x Harry (Smut And One Shots )Where stories live. Discover now