Get Over It!

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This was the 3rd time in a row I caught them doing this! Thought Ron as he grabbed the Daily Prophet.

Harry was once again tangled in Ginny's arms, after 15 minuets they were still embracing eachother. "Oh Harry.." moaned Ginny, Harry finally placed her down and they continued snogging.

Ron cleared his throat very loud, both Harry and Ginny turned their heads and saw the angry, red Ron.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Yelled Ron.

Ginny and Harry gave eachother a worried look and started listening to Ron's rant.

"And then you want to grope her back after you hurt her!?" Finally, Ginny said, "Oh my God Ronald! Get Over it! You're just jealous that Hermoine won't snog you!"

Ron stayed quiet for a few minuets but then scoffed and stomped out of the room, still holding onto the Daily Prophet. Ginny turned to Harry and said, "sorry about him, Hermoine and Viktor just got back together."

Harry replied with, "They're back together? Again!?" "Unfortunately, yes." Said Ginny.

"GINNY! HARRY!" Yelled Molly, "DINNER'S READY!" Ginny and Harry rushed downstairs and luckily got a chance to sit together, far away from Ron. As they are their dinner though, Ron kept glaring at them across the table every chance he got. Molly rolled her eyes at Ron after he scooted closer to the annoyed couple.

This adjustment made Harry have to move his hand from Ginny's inner thigh. Finally, Ginny and Harry decided to go back to her room to cuddle (and maybe do ykw;) )

As Harry took his shirt off, Ron came bursting through the door. "SEE! SEE!" Yelled Ron, he was pointing at Ginny on Harry flipping around on the bed laughing. Molly and Hermoine stood there shocked. "Ronald Weasley! Let them have their moment! Said Molly, then to everybody's shock, Hermoine had kissed Ron right then and there.

Molly had already left the room, so that left Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermoine in a room together.

Hermoine grabbed Ron by his wrist and pulled him into another room.

"Guess he got over it." Said Harry, still looking at the door Hermoine had just shut, "Hypocrite," Said Ginny, very annoyed but happy that Ron finally got over it.
374 - words

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