Trains and Trust

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Gally opened up a lid in the ground, revealing a dark hole. He lowered down a ladder,

"Gally," Frypan said "Take care of these three."

"Yeah." He said, not very reassuringly. Y/n spotted Newt pulling up his trouser leg, then look at his hands oddly,

"What's going on with you?" She asked him. Newt's head immediately snapped up to her,

"Nothing Y/n, I'm alright. W-We better go."

Y/n was confused at his behaviour, but brushed it off again...

Gally, Thomas, Newt and Y/n all made their way down the ladder and into what looked like a sewage system. They had torches to light their way,

"Ughhh... this is gross." Newt whined.

"Yeah, this is great." Thomas adds.

"Stay with me, we've got a ways to go." Gally says.

After what felt like hours, which it probably was, Gally stopped at a hole in the wall.

"This way."

They climbed through, and saw Gally stop at the other end of the small tunnel. A loud rumbling noise was heard, it sounded like it was coming from above them, but then they saw a train zoom by.

"Okay, we gotta be quick about this!" Gally yelled over the noise "We're not gonna have a lot of time, so stay on me, okay?"

The three shared a look of worry and concern, this was going to be fun.

"Okay let's go!"

Gally jumped down onto the tracks, the three others jumping down behind him.

"Great. Tommy loves trains, don't you mate?" Newt teases, and Thomas gives him a glare.

"Yeah, and there'll be another one pretty soon, come on!" Gally ran off at full speed.

Newt, Thomas then Y/n, that was the order they ran in. So much adrenaline was rushing though them and the thought of them being hit by a train is too haunting to ignore, making them run faster.

"Gally!? What the hell are we doing?!" Y/n yelled.

"Less talking, more running!!!" Was his reply.

Thomas saw the tracks start to vibrate, and the lights started to flash. The train was close...

"Come on we gotta keep moving!!" Thomas said, and him and Y/n sped up the pace. Newt was lagging behind...

"We're almost there!!" Gally cried, but Newt didn't speed up.

Thomas, Gally and Y/n got to the vent in the wall, but the looked back to see Newt collapse on the track, not able to move.

"Newt!!" Y/n cried, but Thomas held her back from running,

"No! Y/n don't! I'm not loosing you too!" He says, trying to hold her.

Thomas pushed Y/n against the wall as the train barely missed them, holding his in his grasp as they waited for the train to pass.

Y/n let the tears in her eyes loose, and she buried her face into Thomas's chest. She didn't want to see what she thought she was going to see...

The train passed, and Y/n still didn't open her eyes. But then she heard a groan, and looked to see Gally get off of Newt. He saved him.

"That was close." Newt groaned. Y/n broke into a sprint to hug her brother.

"Don't scare me like that again you idiot, your the only family I have left." She said.

"I'm sorry Y/n, you can carry me next time then?" He says hugging her back.

"Next time?"

They both laughed.

"Wait... did she say family?" Gally said confused. Oh yeah, he didn't know.

"...Newt's my brother, Gally."


"We'll fill you in later, mate." Newt says, and they proceeded to continued with the task at hand.

They eventually found themselves at a train station, they walked casually in the crowd of people. Most of them were wearing white masks (which was odd considering the virus wasn't airborne).

They exited the station and walked up the stairs, their eyes gazed upon the technological lights emitted from the buildings and cars. It was like the Scorch and the virus didn't exist.

"We're a long way from the Glade." Newt says.

"Very long way..." Y/n whispered.

"We've gotta get off the streets... I know it's hard but... act like you've seen them before." Gally says, continuing to walk.

They ran across the road, trying not to be seen. As they pressed themselves against a building, a cop car came rushing past.

"They've definitely upped security... I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that." Gally says.

They continue to run, and they reached a tall building. Gally gave a boost to Y/n and Newt up to the ledge, but Thomas didn't need one and climbed up himself.

All of them ran across the ledge, looking down at how night up they were, and ran inside a stairwell and climbed up. A small balcony was what they stepped on, and it was facing the giant centre piece to the city. It was a large building, the tallest of all of them,

"There it is. If WICKED's got Minho, he'll be in there." Gally says, as he picks up a telescope and slots it into a stand and takes a look through it "Lawrence has been looking for a way in for years, the place is crawling with soldiers, surveillance everywhere, scanners at every entrance."

"Sounds like a bloody fortress." Newt says.

"I thought you said we had a way in." Thomas says.

"I might."

"What do you mean 'you might'?" Y/n asks. "We're all following your lead here, we're trusted you, we didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, alright let's just get a few things straight first, otherwise there's no point in going any further." Gally says. "Look I know what I did... I may not remember, but I know. I see Chuck's face... every time I close my eyes... we don't have to be friends and I'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness... I'm asking for it to be put behind us because we want the same thing."

Y/n glanced at Thomas...

"Okay." She said. "What's your plan then?"

"Take a look..." He motioned to the telescope.

The girl looked through, first seeing a random guy in a lab, but then moved it and saw... Teresa.

Her... 'best friend'. She looked so unfazed by everything, like she was in her own little world... it made her rage.

Y/n pulled away, staring at Gally,

"I said I had a plan... I didn't say you'd like it." He says.

Oh.. she didn't just not like it, she hated it.

1090 words (not including this)

Honestly, the deleted scenes are awesome! I don't know why they got deleted, probably for time or something like that but still!


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