Welome to Fort Grays

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"Hey, wake up," said a girl next to me. I looked over to the brunette through my aviators, coming to my senses again after hours on this C-130.
"We almost there?" I asked her.
"Yeah, we're getting ready to land at Fort Grays," said the girl.
"Right, your TACname was 'Brownie',
right?" I asked her.
"Yup, Veronica Dutch, AKA Brownie,"
"Trinity Gardener, TACname Trigger," I introduced myself. I checked my bag over as I felt the plane's gear touch the ground.
      "So what Squadron are you being assigned to? Asked Brownie.
"The 508th Tactical Fighter Squadron I think," I said.
"I'm going to the 506th. Hopefully we'll end up flying together?" Proposed Brownie. I nodded and picked up my bag. The back hatch of the C-130 opened slowly and I stepped out into the bright sunny weather. The tropical Usean breeze was fantastic and the sounds of taxiing aircraft made this feel like home to me. I find a decent sized group of pilots clamoring around an F-16c. I walked up to them with Brownie and a few others right behind as the transport we arrived on taxied to a hanger.
     "You all must the new recruits?" Asked who I assumed was a squadron leader.
     "Lieutenant Gardener, TACname Trigger. I was assigned to the 508th," I introduced myself again. Another on of the pilots walked over to me, extending his hand to me.
      "Can't wait to fly with you Trigger. I'm the captain of the 508th. Call me Clown. The other flight lead is Knocker," he introduced himself. I shook his hand with a smile on my face. "Welcome to Mage Squadron." Clown gestures for me to follow him further into the hanger.
      "What aircraft am I flying?" I asked Clown.
      "You'll be flying an F-16, same as me. We've even already had your emblem painted on for you," said Clown. I walked up to the fighter and ran my hand across the fuselage, and admiring my logo on its tail. The bright orange and white dog holding a revolver in its mouth was a design I had drawn up while still in training.
     "Can't wait to get in the sky," I said.
"I'll show you to your quarters next," said Clown, taking off towards where I would assume was the barracks. After a short walk across the runway I was led into the barracks and to my personal quarters.
"Thanks Clown," I said. I tossed my bag onto my bunk as I looked around the quaint little room.
"All the rooms have an intercom system, they'll call when there's a briefing," Clown said before leaving. I sat down on my bunk and pulled out my phone. I knew he wasn't going to answer, but I at least needed to try. I dialed his last know number and listened to it ring. Just like all the other times, he didn't answer and I heard the same robotic answering machine followed by a beep.
"Hey Dad, if you've heard my other messages you'd know I made it into the Osean Air Defense Force as a pilot. I got assigned to a squadron in southeastern Usea, as a part of the IUN peacekeeping force. I hope you're proud of me for following in your footsteps. I miss you, bye Dad," I recorded with a somber tone. I can't count how many times I'd called him. But I had to keep trying, keep trying to talk to him. He was my Dad, I had to.


    "All pilots, report to the briefing room immediately," announced the intercom system. I got on the move with the other pilots and followed them to the briefing room. The whole way there had a little bit of gossip between the other pilots as we packed into the war room.
"Is everyone here?" Asked the briefing officer. The chatter didn't really stop after that, with everyone wondering why they were here. "Settle down... I said settle down!" The pilots all finally shut up to listen to the officer.
     "You've all been instrumental in helping maintain peace in Usea as members of the International Union Peacekeeping Force." Said the officer. A map of Usea was projected onto the screen with blue highlighting the continent, but several red circles appearing fairly close to our base. "Until today. Earlier, our radar site informed us that a group of unidentified aircraft was approaching." The red circles then had a handful of red triangles next to them, before they disappeared. "Communications systems went down immediately afterwards. We are lead to conclude that they have attacked the site." A mission objective list opened over top of the map. "Here's your mission. It's possible the Usean Ceasefire Agreement has been broken for the first time in over a decade. As of today, the Fort Grays Air Base Squadron of the IUPF has been put on high alert." The screen suddenly had a red tint to it as well as a list of pilots from being displayed. "All members who have been order to sortie, fly there immediately. Find the unidentified craft, then use your weapons to round them up and force them to land. If the hostile counterattack, then you will..."


     "What the hell was that?!" Exclaimed a pilot. We all ran out towards the hangers and into whatever was happening outside.
     "There's smoke!"
     "We're under attack! Numerous unidentified aircraft confirmed overhead!"
     "The tank farm to the north has been bombed!
     "Many injured!" Pilots started running towards jets and flight gear, the air raid alarm signaling the entire area.
     "SCRAMBLE! All units, take off and eliminate the unidentified craft attacking the base! This is not a drill!!" Shouted the briefing officer. I ran and grabbed my flight helmet and flight rig. I didn't think I'd be flying so soon, let alone a combat sortie.

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