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Hello, everybody. I just wanted to inform you on a few things before you start the book.

• This is a complete work of my imagination. I apologize if any of you had the same idea, and it seems like I stole it.

• I beg of you, please comment, like, share this story. I really like it when you guys do so, and it makes my day.

• I will try to update as regularly as possible. I can usually be pretty good at that, but I have a lot of events going on and A's to keep up with, so please don't be mad if I don't.

• This will probably follow a different update schedule. I'll make a few chapters, revise them, and publish them in batches so you're not crawling slowly through the story one chapter at a time.

• I don't even know what's going to happen next. I like writing my stories without a script to follow and just let it do whatever it wants. It tends to work better that way for me.

• The story cover is probably going to change quite a few times before I find one I like. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions, I would really appreciate it.

I think that's it. Thank you for reading my story. You guys are the absolute best!

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