You Used to Have Nobody...

696 44 81

TW: brief mentions of abuse

You stared at the cold, unbreakable bars that separated you and your much-missed freedom, hoping that someone - anyone - would stop by to keep you company. You needed something to stop you from going insane.

Though, you were almost certain you had lost it already. For one, you just learned magic was real. You saw a mysterious door, walked through, and got stuck at a place that looked nothing like home. A faerie tried to eat your skin not 20 seconds after arriving, and apparently, your existence broke the law somehow.

Some weird plague-doctor-looking assholes grabbed you and there was fire involved somewhere in the process which obviously meant that you, a harmless human that didn't even know this world existed attacked a "coven official". Sure, you thought witchcraft and stuff were cool, but what the fuck does 'coven official' mean?

Your ears twitched at the sound of distant footsteps. You hated your ears with a passion. They weren't normal and you used to think they were cool, but then you hit middle school where anything abnormal was shamed relentlessly.

You had hated them ever since, even years later as a junior in high school. You perked up at the sound of a nearby door opening and closing. The footsteps continued growing nearer until a guard came into view.

"Hey, uh... I'm here for standard questioning procedures. Name's Steve, and... apparently, you attacked a coven guard?" You eyed his clipboard and pen.

"Look, Steve," you began. "I have no idea where I am or what a coven guard is and I didn't even think magic was real until a couple of hours ago."

"That's kind of suspicious, given you're very clearly a witch."

"A witch? I'm a human," you clarified.

"Your ears are pointed and you used fire magic. I'd say it's safe to assume you're a witch."

"Birth defect and again, I had no idea magic existed until now."

"What is your name, Miss?"

"Y/N L/N. What's gonna happen to me?"

"That's for Emperor Belos to decide," Steve said ominously before vanishing down the hallway.

Fuck, I'm gonna die down here, aren't I? You gripped tufts of hair in your fists as your eyes widened and vision shook. You wanted to cry, tears barely pricking at your eyes. When you opened your mouth, sobs didn't come out, but rather maniacal laughter.

I mean, this can't be that bad, right? Where else did I have to go?!

Your cackles echoed off the damp stone, and it was frightening enough to scare any witch that would have happened to hear. "I didn't have anywhere to go, anyways!" you blurted out, panting heavily. "My family hates me! My mom tells me every day how she wishes she never took me in! And my father is even worse! My brother is dead and my dad killed my cat, who just so happened to be my only friend, so I had nowhere to go! This is great! Perfect, even!"

"Y/N," a kind voice said, causing you to freeze and turn to face the bars. You were met with a man of impossible heights that donned a peculiar mask and cloak. You could tell just by being near him that this man was beyond powerful. You weren't sure who he was, but you were almost certain it was out of the ordinary for him to be in a dark cellar. He probably had some fancy room he always stayed in.

"Yes?" you asked, voice shockingly composed given your outburst.

"My name is Emperor Belos, and I am the most powerful witch in this world known as the Boiling Isles. As a human, you might not believe in this sort of thing, but the Titan is a powerful being, long dead but that still communicates with his people through me. His skeleton is our home and he watches over us, protecting us with his will. He mentioned to me something about you, Y/N. The Titan has taken a strong liking to you."

"Me?" you asked in disbelief, pointing at yourself. You were hanging on every word the kind man spoke.

"Yes, he has taken a very strong liking to you. I daresay you are an important piece in helping him with his plans... that is, if you're up for a little challenge."

"What are his plans?" you asked, weighing your options. Whatever they were, you didn't really care. You weren't always the most rational, and if the plan gave you a purpose in life, you were all for it.

"That is something I can only tell you when you are ready," Emperor Belos spoke, his soft voice causing a warm sense of comfort to wash over you. "Are you in?" The man stretched a hand out through the bars, as if for you to shake.

"That's not a lot of details... but yeah, I'm in," you said firmly, grasping his hand and shaking it. It wasn't like you had anything to lose.

"You have made the Titan very happy, Y/N."

Words: 814 (short)
Date published: well i wrote this on April 6, 2022, so hopefully it will be April 6, 2022 when this gets published

hi i'll probably say this a lot but please vote lol it really helps motivate me to keep writing

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