The Chapter That The Last Author's Note Heavily Foreshadows

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There was a heavy pounding on your door, startling you awake. You jolted upright with a squeak. "Yeah?" you called out to the visitor.

"You have school today and I was told to wake you up!" called an annoying voice.

It isn't that bad... He has a nice voice, I guess. It's perfectly rational to hate someone but like something as meaningless as their voice, you thought confidently.

"Be right there!" you replied, throwing on ripped jeans, platform boots, a dark green tank top, and a cropped leather jacket. So glad I was able to go buy clothes...

You slipped on a ring shaped like an odd skull - there were three points for the teeth, two bigger circles for the eyes, and one smaller circle for the nose. Most importantly, it was symmetrical. Gotta find the other one!

You pivoted on one foot, scanning your room until you spotted it on your desk. You scooped it up and slid it onto your opposite hand. There. Now it's even.

You gripped your stack of two notebooks, a couple of pencils, and your open sketchbook and swung the door open. "It's about time you showed up," the boy commented testily, crossing his arms and tilting his head up. The reflection of light on his mask danced across your face and into your eyes, causing you to flinch. "Sorry," Golden Guard muttered, surprising you.

Do not make a smartass comment, Y/N...

For once in your life, resist the urge...

"Don't sweat it," you responded through gritted teeth. He didn't seem to pick up on the strain. If he did, he didn't utter a word on it.

"Uh, right, follow me." He took off down the hallway and you jogged to walk alongside him. He jumped and turned his gaze to your paper. He was silent for a moment, staring at the page you presumed before shaking his head lightly and looking back ahead.

Golden Guard's POV

I knocked three times lightly on Y/N's door, wondering why the hell my duties now included being her personal tour guide.

No response. I knocked again, this time much louder. There was a squeak followed by a mildly alarmed "yeah?"

"You have school today and I was told to wake you up!" I called back, not bothering to announce who I was.

"Be right there!" I heard shuffling around, probably her getting dressed for the day. LMAO, I bet she has a shit fashion sense.

... Did I seriously just think 'LMAO'?

After a moment, the door swung open and I realized she didn't have a shit fashion sense. "It's about time you showed up," I snapped, probably out of frustration that my hypothesis was wrong. I crossed my arms, and tilted my head up, but snapped it back down when I realized the light reflecting off of it had been cast into her eyes. "Sorry," I murmured, not meaning to hurt her.

There was a long spell of silence. At least, it felt long. Please don't make fun of me...

"Don't sweat it," she responded, causing my eyes to widen. A grin plastered my face as I beckoned her to follow me down the labyrinth of hallways and staircases to the designated room. I felt my cloak flowing behind me, giving me its usual dose of confidence. I totally look badass right now.

I felt my eyes wander to the book she had open and jumped when I saw the drawing she had made. At first glance, it looked a lot like me. I studied it closer and realized that it was actually quite different.

Besides, it isn't like she has seen my face... and if she had, why would she draw it?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked straight ahead, hoping she wouldn't comment on my reaction as I wasn't sure how to lie my way out of it. I decided to beat her to it. "So you're an artist?"

(DISCONTINUED) 𝚒𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 // 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now