You Meet Luz's Adoptive Parent (get it?? raine x eda??? get it?????)

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i wrote this like weeks ago and haven't read it since so hopefully it makes sense? idk I mean if it doesn't I'll just fix it in the morning

Also, i struggle a lot with they/them pronouns so if i accidentally mess up, this is the one situation i would like you to point it out!

good luck with this potential trainwreck lmao

You stepped silently into the room and found your way to a seat. You eyed who you assumed was Raine for a moment, admiring their hair color and kind expression. They didn't notice you, instead reading over some sort of document. Wonder how long it'll take for them to notice me...

After a few moments, you stood up and, once more not making any noise, made your way up to their desk. Their gaze flickered up and back down again before they did a double-take, so startled they fell out of their chair.

"Sorry," you said, a hint of amusement hidden within your voice.

"Don't worry about it," they said with a sheepish laugh, standing up and dusting themselves off. "You've probably heard, but I'm Raine Whispers, head of the bard coven, and I'm here to teach you about the history of the Boiling Isles."

You nodded, stepping to your seat and sitting up straight, focusing on them. They began to sweat a little and you wondered what was wrong before they spoke their next words. "I- uh... I know I'm the head of the bard coven, but I'm not used to this sort of- ... mind if we treat this like a normal conversation rather than a class? Just with me?"

You smiled warmly at the person's timid behavior. "Sure," you said, sitting in a chair closer to them. They sat down with you.

"Okay, how much do you know so far? I've been informed that you've lived in the human realm all your life."

You nodded. "Yeah. Let's see... I know the Titan is sort of like a god... at least from what I can tell. I've heard he's somehow the reason anyone survives around here..?"

"Yes!" Raine exclaimed. "You're absolutely right! Have you seen a picture of the Boiling Isles from a distance?" They asked and you shook your head 'no'. They pulled out some sort of string instrument and began to play. You watched in wonder as wisps of swirling golden light grew and merged to create an image. "It's something like this! Can you tell what's going on here?"

"It looks like a colossal skeleton. I'm assuming that's the Titan and that makes up the land of the Boiling Isles," you concluded correctly.

"Yes! Perfect!" The tune Raine played shifted and the images followed suit, now focusing on what appeared to be water. "The sea that surrounds us is known as the Boiling Sea because it really does boil."

Suddenly, the fear of the ocean makes even more sense... You shuddered and Raine chuckled. "That's not all, though. In the worst of parts, the steam alone is hot enough to give third-degree burns."

"I am never going anywhere near the sea," you stated firmly.

Raine smiled. "I don't blame you for not wanting to do that. Well, I guess I have to give you the provided lesson on wild magic, too," they said almost bitterly. Is the lesson bad?

They picked up the song again and created a moving image of witches that looked like they were having the time of their lives, various types of magic evident. There was a knock on the door and the image scrambled around as you turned your head to see who it was.

"H-hello, Terra! What brings you here?" they said nervously. When you turned back around, the image was much more menacing. It seemed that the witches that were there before now looked vicious and barbaric, using their magic to harm what seemed to be a traveler as they forced him over a fire.

"I was told to supervise your teaching," the elderly woman said almost snottily. You wanted to say something mean, but you could tell she was powerful.

"Are you the head of the plant coven?" you asked politely instead. I get the feeling being a total suck-up will serve me well...

"Yes, I am. That's a very astute observation, though I'm sure my appearance doesn't do any good in hiding it." She gave a nod to Raine as if signaling them to continue.

They hesitated and then shakily narrated what they were showing. "Th-these are wild witches from eras ago. They were vicious and brutal and uncivilized. Life was awful for anyone who couldn't defend themselves." They were playing minor cords in their tune as they showed the wild witches mercilessly burning the seemingly innocent traveler. Then, a burst of light blinded you, and the cord switched to the happier major cords as a man you recognized appeared.

"One day, a powerful witch by the name of Belos emerged and brought along with him the words of the Titan. He informed the witches that the Titan did not approve of their misuse of magic as it was harmful and went against the purpose of magic. Belos had become Emperor through the respect he gained and had banned the use of wild magic.

"Once he did this, it was like the world had completely changed." They played an impressive string of notes as a quick display of sociological and architectural advancements was shown. People became happier and more civilized and Raine portrayed the implementation of the coven system as well as the Emperor's Coven's police-like force.

You watched what seemed to be a timelapse of cities growing all across the Boiling Isle until it came at a standstill. "Because of Emperor Belos," Raine continued, "Our society has begun and continued to prosper, making life enjoyable for every witch in the Boiling Isles. Do you have any questions?"

You raised your hand despite being the only other person there Your head spinning with information.

"What will I do? Will I be a normal scout?"

"Well, Belos hasn't told anyone else that I'm aware of, but I do think you're special. You might be next in line behind Golden Guard or Kikimora. He will probably have you go on some missions with them as a part of your training... but don't quote me on that."

"Do I have to work with Golden Guard?" you whined, throwing yourself onto your desk.

"He can be a little... difficult at first, but I'm sure he will warm up eventually."

You sighed. "Yeah, I hope so." Still don't like him, though.

Date Published: May 9, 2022
Word Count: 1085

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