... But Now You Have Kiki (until a later chapter when she turns evil)

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TW: brief mentions of abuse and an ED

You were given a room to decorate as you pleased. You had a long way to go, but you had the basics - a dresser, a desk and chair, a mirror, and a gloriously comfortable queen-sized bed topped with a plethora of pillows and your favorite color of a thick, fuzzy comforter.

It was nice and all, but something was missing. Food. I was told I was allowed to help myself, but it still feels weird eating from a castle's food supply...

You hesitantly reached toward the door before freezing. What if I get in trouble?

... but I was told I could.

I'm having those irrational fears again.

You sighed, upset with yourself for being so scared of things that don't make sense. I know exactly why I'm like this, though...

I get my illogical behaviors from my damn mother - the same woman that would yell at me for getting a snack from the cupboard without permission but accuse me of faking an eating disorder for attention when I didn't eat anything.

But... it's different here.

Sure, the beginning was rocky, but they understood, and now I'm getting the opportunity of a lifetime.

Emperor Belos was so nice to me. No adult had ever been as kind as he was, at least not in any situation resembling this.

He believes in me without even knowing me. All he knew was that I knew nothing of magic and assaulted an officer - not very promising assets, but he believed in me...

It was the Titan, he said. The Titan liked me, and so did he. I want to know more about the Titan...

A low grumble from your stomach broke you out of your thoughts and you grasped the cool, smooth doorknob, twisting it and pulling the door open with a soft creak. You stepped outside and immediately someone rounded the corner, crashing into you and causing you to fall on your ass.

"Sorry," you muttered, a bit embarrassed. You knew it wasn't actually your fault, but you were taught that apologizing eased the other person's anger.

"You really need to watch where you're going," the person barked. You looked up to see a white-cloaked figure with a two-toned golden bird-like mask that glinted in the light of the torches lining the hall.

"I said I was sorry," you repeated, a bit louder.

"As you should be," he snapped. "I know you have a habit of being violent toward officials, but hurting one of them is a lot less hefty of an offense than hurting me."

"And you are..?" you asked from your spot on the floor, never hearing of this man before. This seemed to offend him as he noticeably tightened his grip on his staff and his tone assumed one of further irritation.

"I'm the Golden Guard! Surely you've heard of me!"

"Nope. Never heard of you, but it's no wonder you're so full of yourself with a name like that," you spoke, unable to resist the hateful jab.

"I'm not full of myself for the name! I'm proud because I serve the emperor as his right-hand man!"

You raised a brow. "You're not the person I saw on the posters when I first got here from what I can tell. I don't see long blue hair and I may be going off on a limb here, but you don't seem to have tits, either."

The "Golden Guard" bristled with rage. "That's Lilith and she doesn't count!"

"Oh?" you teased smugly. "And why not?"

(DISCONTINUED) 𝚒𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 // 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now