i forgot to give this one a title so here it is

545 42 73

double update that has about a 50/50 chance of making sense let's gooooo

A week had passed since your training had begun and you were flourishing. The world of demons and magic were so interesting to you that your notebook had become a sketchbook and not a single word had been written in it since the first day, but you remembered it all. Bard magic was the slowest to learn because you had to learn new instruments, but luckily for you, you took band class back at home so you had something to get you started.

Oracle magic was something you didn't really care for in all honesty. Plant magic was fun, though, and so was abomination magic (you found a way to give all of your abominations cat ears and whiskers and it was the cutest thing to you). Illusions were the most entertaining for you, however.

Oh, how much fun I would have while terrorizing that warden guy by sending him... what was it that he was afraid of? Clowns? Yeah... clowns as he slept...

You had a deep-rooted hatred for him so strong you frequently plotted his death. Of course, it was only natural after you found out that he had stolen your cheese crackers at lunch.

Maybe it's because of all those weirdos and creeps he keeps locked up... I bet they're rubbing off on him, you thought. Of course, you had no idea that they never committed real crimes.

Now, you on the other hand..? Well, plant magic has many uses... some of which the Emperor would NOT approve of.

This includes, but is not limited to creating vines out your window to allow you to sneak out at night. You didn't do anything irresponsible, of course. You just would go on walks in the woods. Apparently, there were dangerous monsters in there, but the worst you had seen was a 20-foot-tall blood-sucking cricket-like thing that could drain a fully grown man in 10 seconds flat.

... of course, that was only if you let it get close. You did some reading on the creatures in this forest. Apparently, it's afraid of the light. All it would take is a light spell and it would never return.

Of course, a swarm of fire bees that have apparently turned nocturnal is not ideal, but you made sure to carry a kazoo around to put them to sleep. What? Kazoos are easy to learn!

Then there was that one time you met a bear... Like, an actual, familiar, human world bear.

... at least, you thought it was normal until it shed its skin like a snake and a jumble of bones and ligaments came bounding toward you, jaws gaping. It was frozen in an iceblock for about a week and now that you have shown your dominance, it submits to you willingly, often bringing you small dead animals as offerings despite you yelling at it to stop every time. You named him Jerry. You were 95.8% sure that was a coven guard's name, but now it was this bear's as well. Wait, was it even actually a bear?

The point is, in this Hunter x reader fanfiction, you, yet again, are a prodigy because I can't write x readers without the reader giving off mega main character chosen one vibes.

One night, as you hung halfway out the window, there was a knock at your door. "Just a minute!" you gasped and scrambled as softly as you could back inside, making the vines disappear. You walked to the door and pulled down your shirt as you opened it, to convince whoever it was that you were only getting dressed.

"Guess who?!" the coven guard exclaimed, throwing his hands out.

Not Dave... Not Jeff... Who's voice- oh, wait!

"Steve?!" you gasped.

"Yeah! It's me! Also, no need to hide what you're doing..." he mumbled the last part so no one else could hear.

(DISCONTINUED) 𝚒𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 // 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now