Another midnight call

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Sova's POV:

After yesterday I was lost for words. We acted as if nothing happened. We brushed it off with a different conversation.
Yet there was this tense feeling. It felt like someone locked a part of me and threw the key into a ocean. He's still swimming circles in my head, and I feel like my heart sunk even deeper into the waters.
I looked down at my hands, taking notice at my palms. I always wished I could read my fortune based off my body's craftsmanship.
Something inside me told me it would go back to normal. This was no prediction. It was a wish.

Inhale..exhale. I can't stop thinking about him. Even the moon reminds me of him, so dark yet knows how to reflect a comforting light. I wish we could be together. I can make a picture out of my wants, but the reality can't even trace a silhouette of what I want.
A sight left my body, the tracing of my CD collection was followed after. I picked one of them and looking at the cover. A random choice that turned out to scold him even more.

" My love.." He read out the name. How corny of the universe. Even the beings above seem to be scolding me. I chuckled to myself and then placed the CD into a small radio. It was midnight, so I intended to play it very quietly.. only audible for myself.

I stand there for a second, letting the music seep into my body. Slowly backing away and laying on my bed. I turned to my side and hugged the pillow that was the closest to me. " I feel pathetic.." barely audible words left my lips.

I stayed like this for a while. Listening to the music and slight rumble of the leafs outside. It was a calm nigh, but my head was one night terror.

The pressure was too much. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let myself go loose, let out the waves that were hiding behind the shore for so much time. Tears stream down my skin as my grasp onto my pillow tightened.

Omen's POV:

Walking down the halls at midnight always calmed me down. The purple night glow outside was always a cherry on top as well. I would be lying if walking was the only thing involved. These days I tend to visit the balcony a lot more. The.. infamous night with Sova happened two days ago. In such a short time span I managed to pick up an old habit. Smoking.

Many things happened in this long yet short 48 hours. I even started talking with an old friend again. Sage.. if only she could cleanse away what happened. Ling was his best friend.. well besides me. Better said she was his best female friend! I'm totally not jealous at all, that's not the case.

I seeked help, since I couldn't ask Alex directly. It would be way too awkward and improper. Doing that seemed like a wise choice. Yet sadly she didn't want to gossip away about how he felt or said about that night. She took privacy quite serious. I pay respect to those that keep their dignity solid, but right now I just felt.. annoyed. Having the feeling of not being able to get up was horrid. All this felt like I was stranded in the middle of an ocean. Helpless. Hoping to find an island with everything that I needed. He's what I need of course..

Enough of this non sense. I've been standing outside his door for maybe too long already. I had to man up and actually talk to him.

I slowly reach for the doorknob. Swiftly twisting it and opening the door. The door let out a small creak. " Hey.. I wanted to-" I let out before being cut off. " What did I tell you about knocking... dumbass?" Sova told me, first time in a while hearing that.. cold tone of his. " Sorry, I don't really learn from my mistakes that well " I responded half sarcastically as I went inside his room. Only just now I could hear his radio playing a song, by the looks of it.. it had to be on a loop for some time now.

Third person POV:

Sova slowly sat up and sighed. Wiping his face as well, he stayed quiet. Omen slowly approached the other. Sitting next to him right away. They both didn't know what to do nor say. Omen looked at him, analysing his face.. inch by inch. Has he been crying? That's all he could think about. " Have you been..crying?" Omen asked him. Scooting a bit closer to him.

" wow, you have eyesight.. "
Sova told him. " Why are you here anyway, it's.. midnight " he said again after a short while. " I just really need some time alone I.." he said. A tear rolling down his cheek. Moving away from Omen. " I can't do this...".

" What do you mean by that?" Omen asked nervously as he hesitantly cupped Sova's face with his hand. Wiping away the tear with his thumb. The other male wanted to be sour, but soon eased into his touch.

Sova's POV:

I blankly stared at my wall after my last statement. What was I thinking. " We need to talk." I said, him responding to me with a hum. A sign to just let it out. " I didn't want to ruin this..but, I can't just act like nothing happened. God.. I thought life would just serve it for me on a silver platter. But clearly I have to put some effort into it " I say. Laughing right after.

" I fucking love you.. I mean it. I don't mean it in a friendly way, brotherly type of way. Anything like that. I want you.. it's been like that for months! ". I put his hand away from my face. I felt like everything was burning. Will everything crumble before me? Will he hate me now? Did I ruin something once again?... I don't want to lose someone again.

" I... "

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