Why are you mad?

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I.. just a single letter. The lack of proper sentences were spilling his mentality over the edge. Him reciting the whole alphabet seemed more probable at that moment.
Couldn't he read the room? Was he so pitiful? Did he not deserve hearing those words back?

How did the saying go? One blink and the fairytale falls apart.. sounds about right. All he wanted was to crawl up Into a ball and fell asleep. He felt annoyed, mad and nervous. All because of himself. He couldn't help but to cringe. These little snarky mental comments weren't doing him any favors.

" I'm sorry Alex... „ Omen told him.

He felt the pressure beside him lighten as the male got up from the bed. Omen inhaled sharply and headed straight to the door. Leaving quicker than a tide during a night.

Omen is absent now. He couldn't decide what was worse. The fact that he ran away.. or his last words. His lingering smell wasn't lightening the situation either.

Sova's response was a laugh. There wasn't anything comedic about it, just pain. He didn't know what he was expecting. Him falling into his embrace with lovely words? That's not how life works.

He rest his head in his hands as he heavily inhaled and exhaled. His vision begun to darken. He felt tired.

' I want to... ' the sentences ringed around his head. He wanted so much. And it all pointed towards one person. He felt like a psycho-freak. He was all he thought about. He was in his dreams. He thought about him during the day, every hour, every minute... right now. Can't even catch a break. How odd would it be to label this crush as almost.. obsessive. Feeling like he's the last person alive.. as if he's his soulmate. These delusional thoughts fed his mind. A way of healing inner scars.

" Fuck it „ he said out loud as he let his body hit the matress. Sinking his head into the pillow right after.
This night will be remembered... It'll linger longer than any taste of strong liquor. It'll last longer than any good memory of him.

He looked like a mess. His eyes bloodshot and sore. His cheeks covered in tears, crimson droplets gliding over his mouth. Bitting his lips was a bad habit of his. But it never got to this point. He felt like a hungry wolf that just watched his own prey run away.

He closed his eyes. It didn't take long until he fell asleep.

'open your eyes', something whispered into his ear. He didn't recognize the voice, but it was feminine.

He did as he was told. Suddenly he was in the same position as before. Sitting on his bed with the male. Omen looking at him before smiling when their eyes met.

" I...„ Omen let out.

Here we go again. His nightmare couldn't pick something better. Maybe dying seemed like an easier peice of cake. He was filled with confusion and curiosity.

" You what... just go if you're about- „ Sova told him in a sour tone.

" No I... love you too. That's what I wanted to say Alex.. I really do „ Omen told him as he moved closer to Alex. His hand gliding over to his thigh and his other pulling Sova closer by his shirts collar. Only an inch separating the two.

Was his own dream making fun of him? He didn't know. Since he knew this wasn't real.. why not use the situation. Sova pushed his body forward, filling the missing Space between them by placing his lips against Omen's.

This was a momentary satisfaction. Omen was quick to push Sova away. " You really thought I was serious? You're so fucking stupid... „ Omen told him bitterly with a smirk. Even his dreams reflect the real image.

" I... „ Now he's the one saying the single letter.

" I will tell everyone your filthy little secret. Let's see how they will treat you.. here I was thinking you were manly" Omen spoke.

" hm, looks like your grandma raised a little red riding hood... Not a hunter„ he spoke again. His words cutting deeper.

" Stop! Don't say her name!„ Sova yelled out in anger. Subtle tears running down his face.


" Alex! Wake up please... „ Ling said again. Her thumb gently wiping away the tears.

Sova groaned a little as he slowly opened his eyes. Harsh light attacking his eyesight, yet he was met with the comforting image of his friend.

He blinked for a little bit before letting out a sigh. He eased into Lings touch as he smiled weakly.

" I can see that you're distressed.. but there's something urgent „ she said.

" for the past month we've been getting signals and anonymous information about a potential radiant. They're located in Turky and we finally know their exact location.. Brimstone wanted to have you on the team since you're the only one that would mirror their abilities.. they're a fast hunter afterall" She explained, but Sova seemed rather confused. Label it as the morning affect or something of that nature.

" we've never seen someone this dark.. well except Omen. We need to neutralize them„ she added

Ouch. Only if she knew what impact that name had on him. But he wasn't mad.. she didn't know anything.

" Alright... I'll do it, when are we leaving?„ Sova asked

" In about two hours.. you overslept. So don't take your sweet time and get ready„ she said.

Sova cringed and then slowly turned over to his alarm clock. It was 7 am. He has overslept for few hours. That explained why Ling herself paid a visit.

" Oh sorry.. I'll get to it. Maybe go stand outside my room. For you know.. privacy „ Sova told her with a smile.

She chuckled and then stood up. She swiftly walked over to the door.
" Oh, and when you come back. Let's talk.. I'll prepare us some tea and dumplings. I know you love them Alex„ she spoke.

" How could i resist?„ he responded as she nodded. Closing the door as she walked out.

Sova walked over to his wardrobe.
He opened the drawer and rumbled through it. When he seemed satisfied enough he changed right away.. looking into his mirror for approval. But he froze upon seeing a polaroid stuck to it. He reached out to take it. It was a photo of him and Omen. He chuckled a little as his finger brushed against his silhouette.
"fuck..„ he muttered and then tore the picture in half. Letting the pieces hit the floor.

" Im ready„ He told Ling.

Before The Coffee Gets Cold ( Sova X Omen )Where stories live. Discover now