Chapter One

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"we shall meet in the place where there is no more darkness "- George Orwell, 1984

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"we shall meet in the place where there is no more darkness "
- George Orwell, 1984


Deja Vu.

The moment you feel you've once experienced a scene taking place in your life. An illusion created by the mind. And she's the illusion.

The little girl between the two people she loved and cherished most in the world, the Aura of their love keeping her warm. It was a special night and everything was perfect. Her red Ball gown glimmered under the moonlight and nothing could compare to the bright smile on her face. Not even the stars.

Tonight the air is stale and unmoving.

Breathing has never been difficult for me but somehow my brain thought it was as I slowly and carefully inhaled and exhaled like I would be charged for the amount of air I breathe in.

I take slow steps up the stairs holding up the red satin dress I wore. Owens hand trails up my side as we approach the VIP section of the restaurant causing my breath to hitch in my throat. But I stay still.
The lights in the room are blinding, diamonds hanging from the chandeliers and for a second I'm in the dark watching the stars twinkle.
"Hello darling"
A slim woman with the most charming smile and captivating blue eyes welcomes me. She takes my hand in hers, the jewelry on her fingers cool against my skin
"I'm Damons mom, call me April"
"Nice to meet you April"
"You are really beautiful" she touches my chin lightly, her eyes never leaving mine "far more than I had imagined... welcome"
She flashes me a neat set of pearly white teeth before pulling me into a warm hug, easing the tension that built in me, but not extinguishing it completely.
I wrap my arms around her, enjoying the exhilarating scent of oud that lingered on her.
I pull away from April and turn to meet a green pair of eyes.

The darkest I've ever seen.

The old man had that look about him, the look of a life well lived. A look that screamed money and wealth.
I couldn't guess his age except through the fine lines that peeked at the corner of his eyes and the curly mop of gray hair on his head.
"This is my husband, Frank" April chirps, grabbing his arm like he would disappear any minute "Damons dad" "Nice to finally meet you" he says shaking my hand. His voice sonorous and resounding to my ears. "A really beautiful girl Owen" he calls over his shoulder "yes she is" he calls back.
I lock eyes with Owen and I hope he sees the utter and endless hatred I have for him.

"Where's Damon?" April asks, already taking a seat at the fine table, "He's on his way sweetheart, don't worry about it. I gave him strict instructions to cancel the meetings that were scheduled for tonight all in favor of his fiancee and this dinner" he smiles, looking at me "so sorry he's taking long dear" April pats the seat beside her gesturing for me to sit next to her.
"Its okay" I flash Frank a small smile and quickly turn to take a seat next to April. I take a glass of water and gulp it all the way down, allowing the rush calm my nerves.
"Are you fine sweetie?" April asks, placing her hand gently on my bare shoulder. I look at her, watching her glittery eyes flicker.

"Yeah" I reply with a nod, looking away "of course I'm fine"

The marriage plans were being made without Damon. I stare blankly at the entire table wondering if anyone even noticed me, contemplating whether I'm a ghost or not.
I'm pulled from my thoughts as Aprils cold touch tingles my soul, awakening the truth of my existence.
I'm not a ghost.

Looking at her I notice a group of people chattering on into the restaurant, laughing and playfully hitting each other.
I couldn't help but envy their lit faces. They are all simply dressed for a place like this and I'm suddenly interested in them.
My eyes shift to the tall dark haired boy with the brightest smile. Deep brown freckles were scattered across and all over his face bringing out his lighter skin.
I look away, shifting in my seat as I take a bottle of Calvados and pour myself a glass.

"What do you think?"

Hesitant at first I look up then smile "Okay" "that settles it then" Frank laughs. He and Owen share a hug, patting each others back "a toast to success"

I open my purse and pull out a cigarette, fidgeting the flashy pink lighter in my hand for a minute before lighting the butt.
I inhale slowly, shutting my eyes as I instantly feel my muscles relax. My tensed shoulders fall at the same time with my head resting gently against the chair.
"What are you doing" a voice I recognize as Owens says putting my euphoria to an end, my eyes flutter open.
"how many times have we discussed this?" He asks through gritted teeth.

Discussed what?

A waitress walks towards our table, a fake smile plastered on her face as she stops directly next to me "I'm sorry ma'am but smoking isn't allowed within the restaurant"
Just what I needed.
I look up at her then smile "thank you" I feel Owens piercing glare through my head but I ignore it and do well to ignore everyone and everything as well.
Including the fear I felt deep down my guts
"excuse me everyone"
I pick my purse clearing my throat as I get up. The waitress moves aside, making way for me leave. "But I could show you to a special lounge where you'll be comfortable" she somewhat stutters touching my arm.
I flinched, furrowing my brows "why did you have to touch me?" "S-sorry miss. I just-" I roll my eyes dropping the cigarette into a glass before heading downstairs.

 I just-" I roll my eyes dropping the cigarette into a glass before heading downstairs

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A/N Hey Everyone!!

So i want to say a big big Thank you to those who gave my book a chance

Her is actually more of a tester, but if you guys want more updates let me know In the comments and if you loved this chapter please vote 💖

Love, Almida.

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