You want a Cigarette?

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"Sweetie come to mommy" her smile lifting her cheeks as she reached for me "don't you trust me baby?" She asked pushing out her bottom lip

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"Sweetie come to mommy" her smile lifting her cheeks as she reached for me "don't you trust me baby?" She asked pushing out her bottom lip.
I giggled.

"I promise you won't get hurt"  I looked up at my dad who wasn't paying any attention to me causing a tiny sting in my heart then back at my mum.
She was still smiling, her eyes glittering with hope as she motioned for me to come closer. I take my first steps before finally taking her hand.

The water is warm against my feet but is soon replaced with the cool ocean breeze as she lifts me.

that's my baby”

I stare at the water, a smile trying to make its way up my face at the memory "I'm so sorry mommy" I whisper lighting another cigarette "I disappointed you too"
The first cry breaks through my lips before I can stop it then led by another. I press my body against the rail, burying my face in my palms.

I felt like I was being suffocated and my time would be up any moment from now.
That was my one and only wish.
The only thing in-between my life and my death right now was this rail. And I could either stay back reliving the pain each day or get over it.
The cool water replacing my tears, filling my system, taking away all the pressures, weights, insecurities and my life along with it.
And then my soul would watch hypocrites dressed in black attend my funeral. I snicker at the thought.
I stare out at the water, wondering if my body would be the first at the bottom. Won't that be an achievement. Dad is gonna be so proud.

I inhale a few puffs, feeling the effects immediately work it's way through my body. Carefully watching the smoke as I exhale. It does little swirls in the air before it finally disappears into the wind.
I try thinking twice about my decision but the whispers in my head is somewhat compelling.

"So this would be my last smoke, huh?"  I slur crossing the rail as I battle my eyes to stay open "the best friend in the world"  I kick off my shoes, watching them fall with a faint splash.
"Just get it over with". The beautiful voice says again, a bit harsh.
"Hey" the voice calls softly "I'm not sure about this"
My jaw clenches "I thought we were in this together, to hell with you if you decide to back out now"


I knew coming here was a bad idea. I felt every eye on us, especially because of our loud chatter. Although I didn't talk much, I still felt like I was being stared at. We didn't fit here.
I take a seat at the table, admiring the interiors of the place, specifically the large paintings hung on the walls.
I gaze at the most beautiful piece before my eyes fall on the lady seated below it.
And isn't she the most beautiful thing in this room.
She sat with her head held high, staring out at nothing, golden locks moving lightly at the sides of her face and her brows a bit creased.
Her expression amuses me a little, making me wonder what is going on in that head of hers.

"Theo you fancy high horse girls" Liv calls causing everyone to laugh.
I smirk, looking away "we all know they're not my type"
She plops down on the seat next to me "good, now open up" she rolls some pasta in a sauce I guess was called Alfredo. I wasn't completely interested in the dinner even though it looked really good. I only showed up because it's a friends birthday today and at least I could hang out with the group since we've been busy all week.

I close my eyes to savour the taste as Liv puts the food in my mouth, stroking my jaw with the tip of her fingers.
A burning sensation suddenly spreads in my mouth and in reflex my tongue rolls out all the food.
I quickly grab a glass of water and gulp it all the way down. I do the same for two other glasses to reduce the burn.
"Theo, are you -" "what was that?" I snap cutting her off as I wipe my mouth with a napkin
"What do you mean?" She asks moving closer to me.
I rub my temples to ease the slight ache that slowly built in my head
"the sauce, what was in it?" Her eyes search the table for answers "uh... Milk, grilled shrimp, I think -" "shrimp" I groan running my hand down my face " what the fuck?"
Max whispers in her ear, causing her eyes to widen as she fixes them on me "Theo" " I need air" I say getting up, to avoid any sort of apologies then make my way outside.
I stroll through the corridor, my throat feeling itchy and my mouth still a bit sore from the shrimp. I take out my car keys, bouncing it up and down as I contemplate heading back home. I didn't really want to be here anyway.
I look up to see the familiar blonde.

She stood over the rail on the balcony across me, staring down at the water. I pause for a moment to comprehend the scene, trying to concentrate on her as her shoes fall into the water.
Her mouth move a couple times as if talking to someone. Rushing to the other side, I shove the keys back in my pocket.
There's no one. Just her.
"Hey" I say gently not wanting to scare her, quickly thinking of something to say "I'm not sure about this" fuck me.
"I thought we were in this together, to hell with you if you decide to back out now" she yells, her hand slipping from around the rail. My heart skips as I quickly grab her. A memory I thought was lost flashes through my mind and that sick feeling of déjà vu washes over me.

"Let me go" she yells fighting my grip, smacking my arm harder as I pull her up. "Leave me" she snaps, tears rolling down her cheeks. I watch as she scrunches down on the floor, bringing her knees to her chest. Her thighs in full view. I swallow at the sight.
Her long hair sweeps lightly against the floor, her eyes glittering with tears under the dimmed light as she stares into space.
"Hey" I breath out, stepping closer. She lifts her hand stopping me as she lifts herself off the ground, dabbing her face lightly with the inside of her wrist before she turns to me. Damn.
I know this isn't a good time to, but I can't help gazing at her body. I take a long look at her full cleavage. They are something else pressed against her dress. Her slim waist complements her hips in the red dress she's wearing and, fuck her thighs are just completely out of this world.
I could kiss them for as long she lets me.
"What was I thinking" she mutters, her eyes watering again.
"hey, hey" I say pulling her gently into my arms. She stiffens under my touch "It's fine, okay?" I stroke her hair, wishing I could read her mind and find out what's wrong.
"You should have let me go, still" she whispers against my chest.
A smirk plays at the corner my lips "you're really stubborn aren't you" I pull away from her to take a good look at her face. Her big brown eyes look up at me, a faint sparkle in them.

Like some dying light.

She picks a pink lighter up from the floor "That's yours?" I ask a bit shocked "yeah" she replies, pulling a cigarette out of the compartment. Impressive.
She lights the butt then brings it to her full lips. I watch as she inhales, her shoulders relaxing as she lets out the smoke.
She's trying so hard to act like nothing just happened making me more worried.
"You keep staring at me" she smiles a little "you want a cigarette?" She asks handing me one.
I take it from her chuckling as I put it in my mouth, while she reaches to light the tip.

I take it from her chuckling as I put it in my mouth, while she reaches to light the tip

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A/N  I was probably overemotional the day I cried reading this chapter. But ngl though, It's actually pretty cute 👀

Any who, question for you babies.... What do you guys think about our Main character?

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