1. Never trust a girl with a wicked mind

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Before you read.... I just want to say few words; Thank you. Thank you for reading the first part, thank you for all your votes and sweet comments. You guys have showed me what to write, how and to trust myself. I've never felt more special. Writing 'He gives me shelter' was amazing. It was so  to see how much people enjoyed my story.

You guys mean so much to me and I can't wait to share this story with you. Are you ready? I hope you are! Hold your hats lads, because this ride is going to be pumpy. How many comments can the first chapter get?


"To be happy, I need four things; Peter Pan, Killian, my brother and Neverland. That's not much, right? The problem is, that now when Peter is dead, I can't be with him or I can't go to Neverland and for some odd reason Killian is not enough for me right now... And I can't take care of my brother because I am haunted by few people.

So, the only I can do is go to hell, get back Peter, destroy Storybrooke and survive this god damnit Haunt."

//Make sure to read my other fanfic about Pan, called "What's a soulmate?"

--Two days after Peter's death--

I look at myself from the mirror and try to understand what's going on. Peter is dead, gone, away. That's something that I am sure of, I saw him and that... Thing, Rumpelstiltskin, his son dying in front of my eyes. But this.. I am not sure of what's going on around me.

"She is dangerous."A Female voice says. I look around the small white room but I don't see anyone. It's just me, a lamp, a bed and a window.

"I know, that's why we dragged her here!" A male voice says. "And that was some shitty thing, you know. See these cuts on my arms? And this burned parts of my skin?She made these, with her bare hands. She burned me and guess what? She did not have lighter, matches... Nothing. Some crazy bastard."

"Enough, she is my daughter after all." Another female voice says. This woman is also known as Regina, my mom...

"Mom?" I ask and lay down on the bed? "Mom!"

"What?" Her voice says. She sounds little bit annoyed but I really don't care.

"Where am I again?" I ask place my finger against my head; This place gives me headache. Now if Peter was here, he would play with my hair, whisper sweet things and... The thought of Peter makes a single tear run down my cheek. God, I miss him so much. More then I never thought I could. He was... My everything.

"In a hospital." Regina says. "Are you feeling okay?"

"No." I mutter. "I need that thing you gave me earlier.

"Fine." Her voice says.

"Regina is letting her personal feelings getting involved, don't you think?" The male voice asks. "This is way too personal for her."

"That girl is her daughter, okay? Crazy or not, she..."

"I am not crazy." I interrupt. "I am not crazy."

"Here we go again..." She sighs and I stand up from the bed.

I am so annyoed by these people. They think I am crazy because I was in Neverland. They think I made it up...

"I AM NOT CRAZY. I was in Neverland, I met Peter Pan... Regina, she is not even a real person, she is the devil, the queen of hell, whatever you wanna call it!"

"And how do you know that?" The male asks and sighs loudly.

"I SAW IT IN A DREAM!" I scream and lay down on the damn bed, confused. Was I really in Neverland? Did I really meet Peter or am I just some crazy person like she claims? What if it was just a dream...

Haunt//Peter Pan// SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora