Thank you

668 38 0

The first book, 'He gives me shelter' has over 17.1K reads.

701 votes and almost 300 comments.

This story is getting closer to 1K reads. I am so thankful.

I feel like I've been blessed with such amazing people like you guys. While writing I've cried, laughed and been loved. Every comment has been amazing and I am surprised by the lack of hate.

I have a long way in front of me; I am supposed to update this, my THIRD sequel for 'I would die for you' (Newt, The Maze Runner... Rings a bell?), my Gally fanfic 'One & Only' and my newest story 'Baby be mine' includes werewolfs and Calum Hood (I am so in love with this, I update almost daily, I can't help myself...)

But I am glad to say I have you guys. My amazing readers. Each one of you is amazing, good-looking and smart. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are not.

Please keep on voting and commenting.

Stay awesome.

Also, I usually don't do this, but follow me on instagram



I will update today or tomorrow


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