12. Give me love

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I got to say, walking in the shadows was even more interesting than I thought. No one saw me, but I saw everyone. I saw people, -dead people- walking, talking, wanting to go through sections... Everything around me was like magic, dark magic.  I thought I was able to fly, but in real life, I was just running. 

After few miles of the endless rode, I saw a big castle in front of me. I almost ran into it, but ahh, my dear brother Victor grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Welcome home, sister." His raspy voice says. I feel shivers going down my spine when he calls me his sister. That name is for Thomas to use, and only for him. Not to Victor. I guess he sees me disliking the name, because he chuckles. "We are finally family, sister. Get used to it."

I roll my eyes and step into the big hallway. I don't even bother to look around, all I wanna see, all I need to see is Peter. "Where?"

"Upstairs, second room on the right." I am already on my way when he grabs my arm again. "Be safe, sis."

I take a deep breath when I turn to face him. "If you'd really know me, you'd know not to piss me off. I can be very difficult and dangerous when my feelings are hurt. I'm capable of anything of anything and everything. And Victor, do not make me your enemy."

"I know, that's why I am doing this. I need you to be prepared for the future. You are still haunted."

"Yes, by the thought of killing you. I really wanna do that." Inside my heart, I know that I don't. He is the only family I have left. Regina might be my biological mom, but she is not part of my family. Neither is Victor. What am I thinking? Of course I want to kill Victor. Should I stab him or just choke him?

I roll my eyes and walk to upstairs, following Victor's directions. I push the door open with full force, because I am not a person that knocks. Peter jumps from the couch he was sitting on, but when he sees me a devilish smile appears on his handsome face. "Hi baby girl."

"Hi Peter." I close the door behind my back and slowly walk towards him. He meets me half the way and grabs my hand, pulling me closer and pressing his hungry lips against mine. 

I softly pull his hair, hearing a small groan and I smirk when I feel something hardening against my thigh. "Is that a rainbow in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Baby, that's my baby maker. Or the dick which will make you scream of pure joy.... AHHH, PETER!"

I cover his mouth with my hand. "Stop. Ewh. Peter, we need to focus, okay? We are n hell, literally."

"I know that." He says, walks away from me, lays down on the couch and winks at me first. "We might be in Hell, but we can still have fun. Remember your first night in Neverland?"

"Yes." I say and blush. "You told me I can ride your dick whenever I want. And then you corrected yourself by saying ride WITH you." I sit down next to him and lay my head against his shoulder. "I miss home."

"I miss home too." He says and wraps his arms around me. "Being dead is not cool at all. I am in hell, when I am the one who is supposed to create it if someone obeys me." I look at his eyes and see pure sorrow. 

"I am so fucking ready to go through the last sections." I whisper. He holds me tighter and tighter. 

"I am not sure if I want you to do that. It  kills me to see how hard it is, I want you to go home and...-"

"Thank God I don't give a shit about what you want." I say and sit up. "Peter, what the fuck? I am going to do this, okay? I will fucking do this, I am strong and smart enough. I need you, okay? I really fucking need you too much to give up now!"

"Okay!" He says and throws his hands in the air. "If that's how you feel, fine by me. I just don't want you to get hurt." He grabs my hands and pulls me to his lap. "My pretty baby girl." I wrap my hands around his neck and rest my head against his shoulder.

I love him. I really do. Should I say it? What if it will scare him?

Maybe saying those three little words in hell isn't the best idea. Maybe later.

"I missed your sent." He says and I can't help but smile. "And your laugh. And your smile. And your lips around my d..-!"

"PETER!" I yell and get up again. "Why do you have to ruin everything? This was perfect until you made it sexual!"

"It was a joke." He says and pats the sofa next to him. "Baby, don't be mad."

"I am tired, okay? I really am. I don't wanna play around."

"I'm sorry." He says. God, I am so stupid. Of course he was only joking. So I walk to him, sit on his lap and kiss him. But this time, the kiss is different. It's slow and full of passion. It's like we are speaking bodies, no words between us but I know what he is trying to tell me. He loves me and I love him. We belong together. So I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. He groans when I start to slowly move my hips and then I moan when he pulls my hair softly.

His hands are wandering on my body and he pushes me on my back to the couch. His lips move away from mine to kiss my neck. I wrap my legs around him to pull him even closer. Just when his hand touches my left boob I open my eyes.

And he is gone.

I am lying on a ground, staring at the stars. I sit up but I can't see him "Peter?"

"Nope." Victor's voice says behind my back. "Just me, sis. Next section is waiting."

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