3. A love like war

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I lay down on a bed and cover myself with a blanket. I have to be ready, I have to be full of energy.

"Are you okay?" Felix asks and I shrug my shoulder even though Felix can't see it. "We can call this off if you want."

"No, no way. I need to..."I bite my bottom lip and open my eyes."I can't face Regina, I have no idea what she'll do to me. Will she help me? Or force me to go back to that damn hospital? I have no idea."

"Okay, I got the matches and the candles, are you two ready?" Belle asks and steps in. "Lay down Blair, close your eyes, you need to be relaxed."

"I know, I know." I mutter and lay down. "I just... Ugh."

"Close the curtains Felix." Belle whispers.

After few minutes I feel it; The warmth, the waving, the energy in me. I swallow the big lump in my throat and groan when the pain hits me. I had no idea that this will hurt this much.

It feels like my whole body is shaking and being teared up into peaces. First my hands and then my legs.

"Mom." I think and picture Regina's face i my head. Her raven black hair and redlipstick and her brown eyes. "Mom." I think, this time little bit louder. "Answer bitch."

"Don't call me that." Her angry voice says in my head. "You need to respect me, okay? Anyway, tell me kiddo, what do you want?"

"I want answers." I think and smile. "Remember my cat? She died but then, two weeks later she was alive. Why was my room on fire? Why didn't it hurt me? Why do you have scars on your ams? Did I cause them? How?"

She stays quiet for a while. I bit my bottom lip again, the pain is getting stronger. How am I even doing this? It seems like Regina is thnking about the smae thing because she asks; "How are you doing this? Talking to me?"

"Can't tell you that, mom. I don't wanna get hurt."

"I wouldn't ever hurt you. The whole thing in the hospitol was just a cover up."

"I don't care. I need answers, NOW."

"Fine." She says and sighs. "Well, you already know the answer. Your room was on fire because you... You went to Hell that night and you brought your cat back. The night Peter Pan died..-"

"DO NOT SAY HIS NAME!" I yell and if I could see her I would see her eyes widening little bit. "Do not."

"Fine. I think that that night you noticed what kind of powers you have. Very strong ones. You can do amazing things, good and bad and that's why some people see you as a threat...-"

"But I am not."

"You are, honey. It's cruel but it's true. Anyway, you... You have a brother. He is named Victor. He..."

"What?" I ask. "How... How is that... What..."

"I am not immortal like you and your bother. But I kind of am. I am very old honey and so is your brother. He just... Doesn't look very old." WHO SHOULD PLAY BLAIR AND HER BROTHER? I WAS THINKING THAT MAYBE OLIVER SYKES? PLEASE TELL ME :( :/ (THERE IS A PIC OF HIM. Or Ian what-is-his-last-name-somerland-something. Or TAYLOR LAUTNER? Comment."He was... Very young when he decided that he wanted to controll Hell. And that's what he has been doing for a very long time. He is there right now, probably waiting for you to visit again."

"And... Is.... Is this 'Victor' with Pet...- Him?"

"Yes, I think so." Regina says and sighs loudly. "That's the problem, honey. I have no idea if Victor wants Pe...- Him to wake up, you know. Maybe Victor will let you raise him from the death. Just like you he has pretty big powers, people just can't create Neverlands and Clouds... Anyway, I hope you'll get in touch with your brother."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Like you connected me."

And just like that, she is gone. I open my eyes and see Felix and Belle staring at me. "What?" I ask and stand up. I walk to the kitchen and sit down. "I want tea."

"I don't think we have any."

"Then figure something out. Anyway, I apparently have a brother named Victor. And I guess he just happens to rule the Hell."

"What?" Felix asks and sits down next to me. "How... I thought that Thomas was your only brother."

"So did I... Belle, can you find me a way to connect Victor? Or... Him?"

"I'll see what I can do."

Later that night I go back to my bed and close my eyes, hoping to catch some sleep. I am so tired, I need some sleep. "Night." Felix says and lays down on the bed next to mine.

"Wait, Felix, get up from the bed. He does like I said and I stand up too. He raises his eyebrow when I smile widely. "He is going to kill you." I say and slap his left cheek. "That one was from kissing me, you deserved it. Night." I say and lay again on the bed. "Sweet dreams."

I am not proud of slapping Felix. It's just the idea of kissing someone else than my boy makes me wanna kill someone. I am his. His girl, his babe, his Queen. And he is mine. And guys like Felix should know it.

I wonder how Victor looks like. Does he have a black hair too? Does he look like my dad or mom? How old is he? HOW OLD IS MOM AND DAD? Is dad immortal too?

And then suddenly, the pain hits me again. I gasp when I feel the big.. storm in me. It feels like my hands are on fire, it feels like my whole body is on fire.

I open my eyes and gasp. "FUCK!" I yell when I see the flames. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... Huh?" I look around and understand few things; I am not home. This is not my home, my bed is gone, Felix is gone, WALLS are gone... I am sitting on a cold hard ground, surrounded with flames and... nothing. I see nothing.

"Hello?" I yell. "Anyone?"

I stand up and close my eyes. Focus, focus, calm down.

I feel my whole body relaxing and when I open my eyes I see that the fire is gone.

"Blair?" A male voice asks behind my back.

I turn around and see a tall skinny boy with a raven black hair and clear blue eyes. Eyes like mine... The smirk on his face is so damn familiar that it makes me wanna puke. That is my smirk.

"Victor?" I ask and he nods.

"Blair?" Another, even more familair voice asks.



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