13. Demons

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I got to sections left. Two. Two fucking sections and I will go through them all. I will survive, raise get Peter back and win. Two sections, it's not that much but to be honest I feel like I am dying. And even though I really, really, really love Peter ( and no, he doesn't know it) I am starting to wonder if THIS is really worth of him. I mean, he was the one who died. Him, not me. 

But he is Peter Pan. My Peter Pan. A guy I hated and learned to love, the guy who has saved me multiple times and made me happier that I've ever been. A guy who is ready to die for me. And so should I. I should save him. I should make him happy and be ready to die for him. So what if I'm a woman? Who cares? I am his and he is mine, that's how it's supposed to be and that is how it will be. So yes. He is worth of this. And I've become so far, too far to give up now.

But when the huge demon whips my back who start to regret your choices no matter what.

I've survived everything but this... This is too much. The demon is big, black and it is not a human. It has a body of a big human, but it looks like a ghost. It has red eyes, big sharp teeth and a whiplash in its hand. It walks around me and asks me questions. Impossible questions, all my answers are wrong. For each wrong answer, he will whip me. And if I don't know, he will whip me. And what am I getting punished at? For seduction, for being flirtatious with taken men.

"Who was the first president of Finland?" It asks me. I shake my head when a tear rolls down my cheeks. This hurts so much. This hurts too much and it feels like I've been here for ages. My legs are shaking, my blood runs down my back and my face is covered in my own sweat.

"I don't know." I say. I could ask for mercy. I could defend myself. I could beg it to end my pain, but I know it'd enjoy it too much and I do not want to give it to it. If it makes any sense. I don't want to look weak, this bloody demon would enjoy this situation too much for my liking. So I just close my eyes and bite my lip when the rope hits my back.

"Kaarlo Stählberg."

How am I gonna get out of here? I don't know answers to his questions! Who was Madonna's grand-grand-grandmother? I don't know! How did she die? I don't know? What was the name of Hitler's father? Who knows?

"Will you ever stop?" I ask. "When are you going o stop? What do I need to do? Answer correctly? Seduce you?" Another tear runs down my cheek and suddenly I sob. Shit, I don't want to seem too weak.

"Get up." It says to me. "Get up." I stand up from the ground and sob again. It looks at my tears and grins devilishly. "Nice. Now go."

And then the darkness takes me.


"Can you hear me?"

"I don't think she can."

"Fuck off, please."

"I think she is dead."

"I can feel her fucking pulse you moron."

"Maybe if you'd stop talking so rudely to me..."

"Maybe if you both would shut up I wouldn't want to kill myself this badly." I whisper and try to open my eyes. It takes a while before I understand that I am laying on a ground and facing a black sky and Killian staring at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Been worse." I say and try to get up.

"We need to talk." He says. "About me loving you too much to let you go through this."

Haunt//Peter Pan// SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora