Chapter 4: Limited time

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Saphine almost got ran over by a car on the way to the hospital. Everyone didn't care less, but they were a bit stirring rumors. See that girl? It's just as if she glitched though. Saphine just dashed through, running to United Hospital. "Grandma!" Saphine burst through the door. "Oh my dear Saphine...look how old you are getting..." her grandma says, smiling weakly. "Hold on tight, I'll get you the money...just wait...please," Saphine says, tears flowing out like a riptide. " have to tell's coming...soon...brace yourself." was the last few words Saphine's grandma said, before closing in into a peaceful night sleep. Her grandma looked as if she was dying, in a peaceful way when she is sleeping. 

Her features were drawn back, her wrinkles flew away in the sun's reflection. Everyone said that Saphine's grandma used to be very beautiful when she was Saphine's age. No doubt, because every always whispers about the gorgeous new girl at school. "Good night grandma..." Saphine says, before stroking her grandma's strands of hair out of her grandma's face. "Please, you have to...don't tell me her condition is getting worse!" Saphine pleads her grandma's doctor, outside in a hallway. "I'm afraid of telling you this...but it is getting worse. Unless you have the money to buy the surgery..." the doctor says pulling on her sleeves. "She only has three months left to live..." 

"STOP!" Saphine yells, making all the windows shatter. SHATTER! The doctor just stands, stunned. Shards of glass blasted everywhere. Some of then stabbed the doctor. Saphine had a cut in her arm. Saphine saw everything. Saphine was stunned for a few seconds, before running out. Sirens blare, all the patients were running out, stepping on glass. Saphine's grandma is being rushed out of the hospital.

What have I done? Saphine thinks, running through the crowed streets. Rain was pouring down hard. Lightning was shattering through. It was in the middle of September. Saphine jumps over a car, and mysteriously flashed though like as if...she was flickering. But either way, Saphine leaps over to her school, slams the door and sighs. "What is that about?" Ria suddenly appears. She glances over to the city.

"I...well...the lighting struck the United Hospital...all the windows shattered and we all evacuated." Ria's eye's widen at what she heard. "Lightning? Oh, it's September!" Ria says, flickering to the main lobby door. The office lady was busy reading her book. "Don't we have to evacuate?" Saphine asks nervously. "It's normal for us," Ria says with ease. "Don't worry!"

"What do you mean, 'it's normal'?" Saphine asks incredulously. "Bad weather usually flies around us," Ria says gesturing toward the wide round barrier that Saphine never noticed. "Oh, well, let's get going to design our dorm room!" Saphine looks anxious as she takes another look at the weather. The stormy weather parts around the building of the school. But the evening sky was almost perfect, very unnatural. 

"So what do you think you want to do?" Ria asks Saphine as they enter their dorm. "Hm...honestly I don't know. I honestly think that we should like, pink aesthetic maybe?" Saphine says ruffling her blanket. Ria snaps her fingers. Then, the whole room was in a full-wide pink aesthetic! "Woah! You can do that?!" Saphine asks in an awe. "Yeah, everyone with abilities can do it, although I wonder, why does it have to be this option? I mean, I'm not complaining, but could it be something more...useful?" 

"Wait, really?! Now I feel kind of jealous," Saphine says laughing, hugging her now pink pillow. "Trust me, it looks really nice when you first see it without a ability. But when your ability matures-and it happens. It's not much of a view. We should really have a KookySeo!" Ria snaps her finger again. A poster appears on the wall, with KookySeo saying : 'Got some Donuts?'.  "Hey, that actually doesn't look bad!" Saphine says gesturing to her wound on her arm. "Ouch! Oh, you got that from...that crazy teacher?" Ria winces a bit. "No..." Saphine says a bit awkwardly which makes Ria wondered a bit. 

"How about you head of to sleep? That would be nice," Ria says leaving the room ajar. Saphine didn't realize how tired she was. And how late it was. "Let's design...tomorrow. For now, lets just leave it the way it is, good night!" Ria yells in her room. Saphine slumps towards the bed...not sleeping but staring at the crescent moon. Saphine sighs, tugging off her clothes and she put on a soft T-shirt and shorts. She crawls into her bed and a few tears streak down her face. "Only three months before I'm able to buy the surgery? I don't know what to do..." Saphine cries as she falls asleep. 

Only though, a figure was standing outside her window, he looks at Saphine, peacefully sleeping with a frown on her face. Invisible, he walks slowly into the room, caressing her cheek before leaving a giant gift bag of food. He disappears in the hallow light. But what he didn't know was that Saphine was awake the whole time. Saphine's heart was pumping so loudly, she thought that the person who came to her room heard it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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