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Waking up, I'm immediately blinded by the sunlight shining in my eyes. Blinking a few times I look around at my surroundings until I remember that I'm in a different place all together. Then looking down, I notice that I'm back in my echo flower form with my seedlings still beside me.

Relieved that my little ones are safe and sound, I start to feed them my magic. Looking at my little ones, I decide that I should probably start practicing on my monster form after I find a good place to practice and where I would also be able to keep watch on my seedlings. I mean sure my seedlings can't move but who's to say the wind or a bird can't take them from me?

For now though I will just keep feeding my two little seedlings.

(Couple of hours later)

When I had finished feeding my seedlings, I had started to wonder something... Once I learn to go in monster form and carry my seedlings in my stomach, would that mean I should call my seedlings, soulings instead?

Shrugging off the thought, I decide that I'll just figure it out later. Humming quietly to myself I decided to see if I could find anything exciting to do and so going into my dragon form and holding my little ones with my levitation magic, I fly straight into the air through the trees and start to look around until I see a strange spark firing from the air from a distance.

And immediately I flew down just in case it's dangerous. Frowning, I decide to try a different form, one that can travel on ground quickly on all fours. Keeping my little ones a safe distance away, I start to imagine a wolf figure. And slowly but surely I could feel my body changing like liquid until finally I open my eyes and see that I am now on all fours.

Looking at my furry legs I decide to see how the rest of my wolf form looks like, and so my little venture to the lake began. Lightly running through the forest, I listen and smell for my old trail scent and for the sound of water until I finally hear it. Slowing into a walk, I finally see the lake and walk right up to it and peer my head over the water to see my reflection.

And I had to say that the wolf form looked awesome. And out of curiosity I decide to poke my paw at the reflection and what happened next shocked me. Right where I had placed my paw, that exact spot had started to glow and like a vortex it had started to widen, until right in front of me there was a beautiful blue glowing flower shaped portal.

Shaking my self out of my little shock. I look at the portal and couldn't help but wonder if I just created it and if I did, then how did I create it. Looking at the portal cautiously, I stick a paw through and my paw immediately passes through it, to who knows where. Quickly, I take my paw out and see that it's fine and not harmed in any type of way. Still looking at the portal, I start to try and close it so that nothing dangerous comes through and surprisingly it actually listened and it immediately closed when I had sent my magic at it telling it to close.

Sighing in relief, I start to go back to my sleeping area and decide that I will learn how to control portals later. Not knowing that the portal I had made on accident had seeped some mysterious magic through and that it had touched my seedlings. And right when that mysterious magic had touched my seedlings, it had helped speed up Orion's recovery of being stable and had also just helped Aster and Orion's birthing time be sped up and closer.

Also, I wonder what that spark in the sky was earlier...

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