A Monster?

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It's been a day since the little incident with Night being covered in pink paint and so far everything was going fine today besides Night sometimes complaining about the camera that he and the others weren't able to get from me. Currently I was upstairs playing with Orion and Aster who kept trying to tackle me down, though those tackles of their's felt more like hugs to me and I couldn't help but smile as they pouted when I didn't go down as they thought I would. I was going to tickle Orion and Aster so they would stop pouting but I was interrupted by screams coming from downstairs.

Freezing when I heard the screams, I quickly place Orion and Aster on their little bed they shared while putting a magic shield on the bed so that they were safe. Once I had put the little magic shield up for the babies, I turned and teleported to the living room and right when I made it to the living room I was suprised to see that there was a red furby facing the bad and star sanses who were currently hiding in a corner. Confused on why they were scared of the furby, I move towards the furby and pick it up and when nothing happened I look towards the bad sanses and star sanses who looked at me like they were wondering on how I wasn't screaming in fear of the furby yet.

Giving the bad and star sanses an amused look, I teleport back upstairs to Orion and Aster who were babbling to each other and once Orion and Aster saw that I was back they immediately made pick me up motions. Smiling, I place the red furby down facing away from me and right when I picked up Orion and Aster the red furby that I placed down was now staring at me. Stopping, I wondered if it was facing me before but then I shrugged it off and also picked up the furby who made a happy little noise.

Right when Orion and Aster heard the little happy noise coming from the furby they both turned their attention towards it and right when they're eyes landed on the furby they both immediately reached for it. Smiling, I place the red furby between Orion and Aster and once I placed the red furby down between the babies who were in my arms, I started to move downstairs to the little play area so that they could play down there where everyone else was nearby.

After I made it downstairs and placed Orion and Aster in the play area with the red furby, I went to the living room and was suprised to see that the bad and star sanses were still in the corner with nightmare, dream, the bitty's, and classic looking at them with confused looks. Confused, I tell them to get out of the corner only to receive a 'no' as the response. Sighing, I decided to let them be for now but planned to make them move later if they were still in the corner.

(3 hours later-)


I am kinda impressed that the bad and star sanses are still standing in the corner for 3 hours already, though now I'm kinda worried on how they're still standing there. Is that furby toy really that scary to them?

While I was wondering why they were scared of the furby toy I didn't notice that the red furby I was thinking about was currently looking around the corner of the play area and was staring at the bad and star sanses with they're head tilted with a happy creepy smile. I also didn't notice the scared look that classic, the bitty's, dream, and nightmare now had since they spotted the red furby and it's creepy look. When I snapped out of my thoughts, I didn't expect to see classic, the bitty's, dream, and nightmare all grouped up in the corner where the star and bad sanses were. Confused, I ask them what's wrong only to receive no response from any of them.

Shaking my head in confusion, I go to check on Orion and Aster who were now currently sleeping in their room. Once I made it to Orion and Aster's room, I was happy to see that the babies were sleeping and right when I was going to leave the room I stopped. Turning back around, I looked around the room and at the babies bed and frowned when I didn't see the red furby there. Thinking I probably left it downstairs, I teleport to the play area and search but to no avail. Seeing as the red furby wasn't in the play area, I decided to check the kitchen only to not find it and so I checked nightmare and dream's room only to see that the furby wasn't there either.

Deciding to check the living room even though I was in there a few minutes ago, I was suprised but also kinda suspicious to see that the red furby was there but that suprise and suspicion turned into confusion when I was suddenly being used as a shield by the others to hide from the furby which was now staring at me. Looking at the furby, I frown and walk towards it only to stop when the red furby started to shake and grow in size. After the red furby stopped shaking it was tall to where it was nearly touching my ceiling. Glaring at the furby, I go to blast it with my magic only to stop when a very colorful skeleton poofed in front of the huge red furby and hugged it with a happy look on their face.

The only thought i could think of was 'what the funk?'

Have a great day and night!

Sorry that the chapter is a little short!


The furby was the monster in the basement and it had teleported to the living room and when it made it to the living room it had scared the living heck out of the star and bad sanses since they knew it was a certain someone's furby. And if there's something the star and bad sanses have in common, it's that they both are scared of a certain someone's furby's.

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