Give Birth!🍼

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How long now until I'm ready to give birth to my two soulings? That's what I been wondering, since I can't tell the time in this lab since this room doesn't show a clock or calendar for the date. If my magic wasn't restrained I would easily be able to tell if my soulings are nearly ready but since I'm restrained it's harder to tell.

Sighing in annoyance, I stare straight at the ceiling only to suddenly feel something that I didn't expect. Looking as much as I could, I couldn't help but panic because from what I can feel and see, my water had just broke. And to make me panic even more, my little soulings decided to kick and move since they felt it was their time to go out into the world. Crying out in pain, i immediately start to try and push and while pushing, I heard multiple fast footsteps approaching from the lab door. Immediately surrounding my cell that was in the middle of the room, they start to unlock it and start to rush in to help me deliver my two soulings.

(Couple hours later after some painful pushing-)


Panting in exhaustion, I end up wanting to pass out only to fight back that urge when I heard my two babies crying. Immediately my parental instincts flared, and I quickly tried to get off of this table to get to my babies crying. Feeling that I still couldn't get up, I let out an angry and distressed sound while looking to where I heard the cries at.

Luckily an assistant came in and told whoever holding my two babies to give them to me so that I don't start going berserk. Coming up to me cautiously, a nurse handed me my two babies and then quickly backed away just in case I tried to attack them.

Happily, I immediately start to check over my two little ones for any injuries or anything suspicious only to see and feel nothing wrong with them. Relaxing, I stare at my two twin babies and then remembered about the apple twins and quickly started to check the bond only to quickly be overwhelmed by the worried emotions that the apple twins had. Calmly, I start to send reassuring emotions to them so that they wouldn't worry and thankfully they calmed down quite well.

Staring at my two baby twins, I decided to ask the doctor some questions.

Y/N: Excuse me? Do you know my two babies genders? And if they are healthy?

Both of your twins are male and both are indeed healthy, though I'm surprised that they don't have any problems especially since they were born a month early:Doctor

Y/N: ... So there's no problems with them whatsoever right?

Yep, there's no problems whatsoever. And I have to say that you're quite Lucky that there was nothing wrong with your two babies.: Doctor

Y/N: True.

Right before I forget, what do you want your two babies to be called?: Doctor

Y/N: well the first one will be called Aster and the second one will be called Orion.

Those are nice names: Doctor

Y/N: Thank you

And with that the conversation ended and the doctor and the other medical staff left me with my two babies. Looking down at my two little ones, I start to hum calmly to them while feeding them with the two milk bottles that I received before the medical staff had left.

(15 minutes later)

Aster and Orion had just finished drinking their milk when they started to giggle happily and started to look at me with their cute baby eyes. Softly, I offer them a small smile while holding them closer to me and started to think... 'If they were born a month early then that means I've been in this place for a month already.'

Yawning quietly, I shake myself from my thoughts and start to feel my body giving in to sleep until finally my eyes closed shut and the only thing I was thinking about was the cute looks that Aster and Orion kept giving me.

Yawning quietly, I shake myself from my thoughts and start to feel my body giving in to sleep until finally my eyes closed shut and the only thing I was thinking about was the cute looks that Aster and Orion kept giving me

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(Burrito Babies... Anyways-)

(Void POV)

I had finally just gotten revenge on Chaos with Luck and some of the other Diety's when I remembered my little guest. Alarmed, I quickly go to Luck to ask her if she had gave my little guest her blessing yet and was relieved when she told me that she gave my little guest her blessing earlier and that she luckily came at a good timing since my little guest was giving birth early.

Thanking Luck, I immediately send my magic to go give my little guest my blessing and as a little bonus I decided to give my little guest two gifts. The first would let them summon a weapon made out of pure Void and the second gift was a random mysterious prize wheel that he had found a couple hundred years back. He was hoping that maybe his little guest could try to figure out how to use it. After all whenever he tried to spin the mysterious prize wheel, it never moved and stayed stuck.

Feeling happy about helping his little guest, Void decided to leave to his void to take a well deserved rest.

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