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(Classic POV)

'Why?' is all I thought when we found the Violet Furby in a bar. "Why is the Violet Furby in a bar of all places?!" Classic said as he and space watched the Violet Furby that was chirping happily while dancing in a circle around people's legs.

Shrugging, space continued to sit on classic's shoulder only to regret doing so when he heard a chirp and then saw that the Violet Furby was staring at him with hearts in it's eyes. Not liking the look that the Violet Furby was giving him, Space tried to hide in classic's hood only to fail and ended up with the Violet Furby cuddling him with hearts in their eyes.

While Space was dealing with the in-love Violet Furby, Classic was taking a picture with an amused look. After classic took a picture, his phone rang and noticed that the one calling him was Shine. Answering the phone, classic had a little chat about where he and space found the Violet Furby and about how the Violet Furby seemed to like space. Shine, on the other line let out an amused chuckle before telling classic where he and Dream found the Yellow Furby and about where Y/N and nightmare found the Cyan Furby.

For a few minutes, all classic did was talk with shine until he remembered that he should probably bring fresh his Violet Furby. Telling shine that he needed to hang up now and give fresh the violet furby, classic hung up and quickly walked over to space and grabbed him and the violet furby. After classic grabbed space and placed him back on his shoulder, he held the violet Furby close in his arms before walking out the bar and then teleporting away back to Y/N's house to give fresh his Furby.

(A few moments later-)

(Classic POV)

Fresh was delighted when I gave him his violet furby though the violet furby on he other hand wasn't as happy since it still wanted to be near space. Luckily fresh was able to keep the violet furby back and me and space were now hanging out in the kitchen. Me drinking ketchup while space chatted with Mars who happened to be in the kitchen too.

While I was listening to Space and Mars talk, I spotted Y/N walking into the kitchen with nightmare and dream happily eating a nice cream. Smiling at the happy expressions nightmare and dream had, I didn't notice Y/N grabbing a strange looking drink from the fridge until it was too late and she drank it.

After Y/N drank the drink a sudden cloud of smoke engulfed them and then a moment later a groan came from where Y/N was except it sounded different, it sounded... Deep and Masculine?

A few moments later the smoke disappeared and standing where Y/N was what seemed to be a male version of them leaning onto the kitchen counter. "What in the world just happened?" Is all Y/N said before passing out. Luckily classic teleported and caught Y/N before they hit the ground. Now the only question was... What to do now?


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Have a good day and night!


Yeah I know it's short, I couldn't gather a lot of motivation today so I just made do with whatever motivation I had left.

Y/N is now in his male form!

How do you think Orion and Aster will react to their mom now being their dad?

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