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It's been about half a month since Classic has been living with me and the rest of the family. And so far everything is going well! Though for some reason, I feel like something is going to happen soon but I just don't know what. Shrugging off the strange feeling, I go over to Glitch who was eating the  chocolate bar I gave him awhile ago and right when I approached him, he growled at me while pulling his chocolate bar closer to himself.

Giving Glitch an amused look, I move away from him to let him finish his chocolate bar. Once I was away from Glitch, I remembered that I should go and buy groceries and so I continued on towards the front door to get groceries but right when I reached for the front door's doorknob, I was suddenly being tackle hugged on the side by nightmare who looked like he was about to cry.

Concerned, I pick up nightmare in my arms while wiping his tears away and once I holded nightmare for a few minutes he calmed down. Once nightmare was calm enough, I asked him what was wrong and his response was that he had a nightmare of me leaving him and never coming back for him. Eyes softening, I bring nightmare closer while heading to the living room couch and deciding to get groceries later.

(15 minutes later-)


I holded a sleeping nightmare close in my lap while giving him head rubs and by how he was purring in his sleep like a cat, I knew that meant he liked the head rubs. Smiling gently, I continue to give nightmare head rubs until I hear Classic suddenly speak from the kitchen.

Classic: So what happened with nightmare? It looks like he's been crying.

Well you aren't wrong, he was crying but is calm now. Though I don't know why he thought I would leave him forever. :Y/N

Classic: Well, can't blame the kid afterall everyone fears losing the ones they love. I mean, I always have nightmares about Papyrus leaving me forever and never being able to come back.

...I see- wait, you keep having nightmares!? Classic you better get over here on the couch with me and nightmare right now before I make you. :Y/N

Classic: But I'm not tired!

                 Classic, get over here now. :Y/N

Classic: ...Fine.


Once Classic was sitting beside me, I teleport a fluffy blanket to him and nightmare and once I had properly covered the sleeping nightmare in his blanket, I turn to Classic who i noticed had snuggled into his blanket and was now sleeping. Smiling, I start to also give classic head rubs on his skull just like I did to nightmare, and once classic felt the headrubs he also started to purr like a cat.

Humming gently, I continue to give Classic and Nightmare headrubs while also using my magic to help them have peaceful dreams. Once both nightmare and classic were asleep, I had also started to fall asleep only to be interrupted by someone snuggling up on my other side. Looking at who was on my other side, I notice that it's dream. Lightly smiling, I make sure dream also has a blanket covering him and once dream was asleep, I used my magic to make sure that he also has peaceful dreams.

Now that dream, nightmare, and classic are asleep, I also start to doze off until finally I fell asleep, unaware of what was going to happen when I wake up.

(2 hours later-)


Yawning as I woke up, I look around me to see dream and classic gone, the only one who was still laying with me was nightmare. Looking at nightmare, I decided to give him head rubs until I felt the need to stretch my arms. Moving my hand away from nightmare, I get up and stretch my arms and once I finished stretching my arms I look back to where nightmare was, only to see that he was now awake but had a pouty look on his face.

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