Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 13

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Rick stayed up all night back and forth between the ICU and the hospital chapel searching for an answer to why Lesley's had to fight for so long for her life 

" God please don't take my little bug.... I'm not ready to give her up. She still has so much that I want to do with her and she wants to do with us... I would give anything to take her place... just please God don't let her die." 

" Rick....?" Bobbi asked 

" What is it... What's happened to Lesley?!" Rick replied fast

" Lesley is okay, she's stable for the time being... Dr Martinson asked me to get you.. they want to talk to you about Lesley and her condition.." Bobbi replied

" Thank you Bobbi um could you ask them to give me a couple minutes I think I should get myself together before going back up to ICU.?" Rick asked

" Of course... Hey... She's in my prayers too you know..... She helped my brother and I'm very grateful to her for that." Bobbi exclaimed 

" Jessie.... We're gonna do everything we can... Right now she's stable and we're gonna watch her vitals very closely" Steve tried to assure Jessie

" Steve I'd like to believe that Lesley is gonna be okay but Dr Richards was clear... He has stopped Lesley's treatment because she's not responding to it and it's spreading quicker than we thought." Jessie replied and moved to sit in the ICU lounge..

Rick stayed by Lesley's side hoping she would be able to hear him " Lesley, you got to fight the kids and I we need you... We need you Lesley and we don't know how to live without you… I don't know how to live without you"

" Rick...?"  Martinson asked

" What can we do to help her..." Rick got out

" We're doing everything we can at this point Rick.... Right now her vitals are very low and her liver has started to shut down... The best thing we can do is wait and watch but pray for the best that she'll pull through the night.."

" Earl, that's not good enough... We need to do something anything we can to help her... I am a match... We can do a transplant if we have to.." Rick answered

" She wouldn't be able to sustain that kind of operation Rick not with her vitals as low as they are and Dr Richards wouldn't recommend that it would be safe." 


Over another 6 weeks Lesley was finally able to go home where Rick took a leave of absence from the hospital to spend some time with her while he had a chance..

" Rick, I'm alright... I promise you I am... Can we just relax for alittle while.. I don't really want to go anywhere or do anything today..." Lesley looked up at Rick with a shy look while hoping he wasn't gonna pick up that her side was bothering her more than usual as well as her strength had begun to gradually decrease..

" Course we can... How about we just relax on the couch and we watch alittle TV for alittle while maybe how's that sound" Rick smiled with his suggestion

" Rick... Could you help me for a second.. I want to sit up alittle bit more so we can talk..." 

Rick helped Lesley sit up alittle more while they were on the couch. Rick wished to God that she would tell him everything but didn't push it because he didn't want her to feel pressured into telling him. 

" Rick.... I want to start and make sure that plans and arrangements are together incase something happens to me..." Lesley started and paused hurried to continue when Rick wanted to say something " I know that I'm alright for the time being but Rick it scares me that one of these days in the near future I may not make it... I don't want you to be left with the burden of having to figure out what arrangements to make. I think I have put you through enough pain for a lifetime since you first learned that I was sick." 

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