Chapter Thirty-Five: The invasion (part 3)

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Running was hard... He looked at Neko who was doing her best to hide her limp as they all knew her ankle was probably sprained. His eyes then fell on Shikamaru,  or deer, another genin ANBU captain... How did he even manage to juggle between ANBU and his "friends"? He thought about all the times Shikamaru had been sleeping in class and berated himself. The other ninja was good, even our hero had thought the Nara was just lazy... He decided he would have a chat about all of this another time. He concentrated on running and as they finally entered the village again they were greeted with a horrible sight.

Everyone was fighting for their lives, doing their best to stay alive. They looked around as the different people were fighting Kunais to Kunais. Fox unsheeted his ninjato and did his best to push through as he felt a tingling sensation. A gut feeling... He knew somehow that some of the people he had learned to love were in great danger. He took a deep breath as he slashed another sand ninja... He tried not to look at their eyes as they met a quick demise. Most chunnins had no way to fight an ANBU captain, especially a pissed-off one who had just realized that he had been sent away from the people he had sworn to protect. In his rational mind, he understood that the Suna Jinchuriki had to be captured and neutralized to make sure Konoha had a fighting chance.

As he entered the village center, he was met with one of Ibiki's summons, a giant Iron Maiden. Neko ran towards her captain and did her best to make her way to her squad who was doing their best to defend the TI building, we didn't need a breach in the TI prison to accompany the invasion... Deer ran towards a group of Suna jonin... In their defense, they almost didn't react when he seemingly teleported behind them. As the different ANBU ran towards their actual team to be more effective our hero finally saw the barrier on top of the Hokage's building...

"No... Please no..." He whispered as Ombre was trailing him "Jiji"

"Calm down and take a breath. You won't be combat effective if you can't calm the fuck down..." She said calmly. He had never heard her swear before. As she kept running next to him, he saw her open her book to write something. How could she run fluidly while writing in her book? And why was she following him? He did his best to try not to think about what was going to happen to his Kage... He ran faster, and faster, and faster... He was now sprinting as death was raining around him. He slashed and mercilessly took care of most of his enemies, the others were killed by the rest of his team who had decided they wanted to assemble and make sigma again. He gave a quick nod to signify he had seen them. They were a thunderstorm of death, and he was the eye of that storm. Their enemies had no chance. Nobody could survive their rage once they had realized their Kage was in danger.

As they got closer to the purple barrier their heart sank... They were all versed enough in sealing to know it would be impossible for them to penetrate it. They could only protect the village their Hokage had done so much to keep safe. They turned back and cut down enemy after enemy. If their Hokage was to die in the hand of the traitors they would keep the shinigami busy for a while. ANBU were mostly atheists but they also knew about certain techniques and so the shinigami wasn't a legend. It was just another fact of life they were too tired to bother trying to comprehend. They slowly walked over to Ibiki as the battle was ending.

"Let me guess... Huge pink barrier over there has our own best enemy yet? And By the look on your face Fox couldn't open up the barrier so your hoping Hokage sama survives"

"That's borderline traitor's talk, my young apprentice"

"Inoichi... I swear... Fine, it might look like treason but there's no way for us to do anything is there?"

"Not really, all we can do is hope"


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