Chapter One: A scream in the night

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I'm running... Running from shadows in the cold, moonless night.

"Demon... Murderer... You killed my Family..." I hear people shout.

"Please have mercy, please don't hurt me" I beg before they start punching and cutting me.

This hurts so much... I feel like my heart is going to explode like my breath is going shallow... And suddenly all goes black.

I wake up in a sewer-like prison. I start to walk towards what seems to be light... I just don't know anymore. Is this Hell? Maybe the villagers were right all along... Maybe I AM a monster... Maybe I do deserve all of this... As I drown myself in dark thoughts, I feel a small presence. What I mean by small is huge... A huge Amber eye stares into my own and it feels like I'm looking at time itself

"So you've finally come, my host" The voice seemed to cut through me as if I was nothing

"-Who are you ?" The question echoed in the Halls...

"-I'm the Kyuubi, the nine-tailed fox...

-Do you have a name... No one likes being called by their title...

-A name? No one has asked for that before... all they've asked was for power and why would you want to know my name, little human?

-Because... You've saved me, haven't you?

-I'm the reason you're in this mess in the first place, Kit... If you want though, you can call me Kurama..." The eyes were filled with pain... The pain of one who carries a burden greater than most...

"-Whatever you did, Kurama is not a good reason for hurting someone... And I know the truth, I know that my father, the Fourth, sealed you into me... It wasn't that hard to figure it out. All it took was to just look in a mirror. I look a lot like him... Though the villagers seem to think it's another for me, or you as you are the demon fox, not me, to torture them more...

-The village will get over it eventually... Because you're gonna be the hero they need, Kit, I know you will. I've healed your wounds and I've destroyed the infection... Everything is going to be fine, ok? Now go home and get some sleep... Tomorrow will be a good day"

Naruto wakes up only to find he's surrounded by people in weird animal masks... He stumbles up and tries to run away but the words from the cat-masked ANBU make him stop in his track... "Don't worry, Naruto, we're here to help you... We won't hurt you. We're gonna give you a new home and we're gonna train you, everything is gonna be just fine... Don't worry" With that said the masked man took Naruto's hand and together they walked towards the Hokage tower


Hoped you enjoyed this rewrite of the first chapter of Amazing Ninja But Undercover

Hope it's better than before. See you next chapter

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