Useful Things

8.1K 113 12

I have to give credit to everyone that inspired me... That means every "Naruto is an ANBU" story...

The Omakes are future chapters... So they will be displaced where they are supposed to be when we get to their part in the story... So don't worry if the Names of the chapter change... It's just me putting the omake in their places...

This story is entered in the Naruto wattys, If you like it please vote for it ;)

If you have time on your hands then read those entries but be warned that they don't really have anything to do with the story...

This is Time Skip no Jutsu...

When I, luciolle24, speak to someone it does something like this :

Luciolle24: Ohayo Ibiki-sama

Ibiki: Why me again...

So this story is on a hiatus because I'm not happy with it as it's badly written basically... I'm in the process of rewriting everything. It will be written at the end of the chapter has been rewritten Or not, if not just come over from time to time to see if I've updated or not... Don't forget to shout at me in the comments if I'm just too slow.

Umm Luciolle24 signing in: I know this might sound stupid and totally overrated but guys this story has got 2k reads... 2000 reads this is so big... I can't even begin to thank you enough for that huge number I'm kinda overwhelmed by that and I know some of the other Naruto Fanfictions have a lot more than this but for me, a small writer, who thinks her work is bad and completely stupid, this number means the world to me... Thank you so much I hope you enjoy the rest of my story...

Luciolle24 signing out

Luciolle24 signing in: I'm in the process of editing all my books to get rid of typos :) And I'm so happy my book is being read even if it's not the best book out there :D

Luciolle24 signing out
Luciolle24 signing in: Oh my gosh we did it, guys !!! 🤩 We hit the 3k milestone I didn't think it was possible... This means so much to me... So much !!! I literally didn't it would ever happen... That means so many of you took the time to read my book... This means the world to me. Thank you so much guys, you're the best !!!
Luciolle24 signing out
Luciolle24 signing in :
You know the drill by now... ButOMG we hit another big milestone... 4000 reads... I'm pretty sure that's actually more than almost 20 times the population of the ANBU Corp...
Luciolle24 signing out
Luciolle24 signing in:
Merry Christmas and what a beautiful present to get 10k reads... As a thank you gift I made a nice Christmas chapter...
Luciolle24 signing out

Spoiler alert this is the Q and A place. Be aware that you're gonna spoil things if you read this before the story...

On with the story ->

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