Chapter Two: ANBU and the mission

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Waking up to the burn of my ANBU tattoo is not the best way to start a good day but yeah it's not like I have a choice... I'm gonna arrive late at the academy... Oh yeah the academy

Writing style: Flashback of doom

The Hokage and the commander as called our team, well my team but yeah... When we arrive in the office, we noticed the lack of guards and at that, we started to get really anxious... It only got worse when we were told we were to go into the office alone... I waited and waited: when my turn arrived I was almost in a panic state not that it showed... I kneeled in front of the leader of the village hidden in the leaves: " rise Fox", said the commanding voice of the faceless mask standing at attention next to the most powerful man of the Fire country " I have a mission for you Fox... You are to go undercover in the academy as a student to watch the last Uchiha. This mission will be ranked S and is compulsory. Team Sigma 1 has been officially disbanded: they do not know of your new identity and won't be told about it... If you disclose any Intel about ANBU or the village's secret you'll finish your life in one of TI underground's cell. Is that clear, Kitsune of the bloody moon ?" I quickly take the mission scroll and swear on my mask, on my name, and on my clan that I won't fail my village...

End of Flashback

I quickly get my ANBU stuff and run towards the headquarters feeling like my arm was gonna be burned to ashes... Great, just great: this is definitely an S-rank or... I don't even want to think about the or...

As arrive late at the academy, my back is hurting like madness and when I enter the room I can see the worry in Iruka's eyes as I rapidly put the idiot's mask back on... Someday we will be able to be ourselves, Dolphin... Just wait

Here's the rewrite of chapter two I'm really sorry that it took so long but it kinda got deleted... Like three times: I'm such a noob! I hope you enjoyed it.

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