1. Karkat

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-  Before crabdad died, he would always cut up apples in the shape of crabs for karkat  

- now that karkat is older he cuts up apples in the shapes of crabs for any of his loved ones, (dave, kanaya, anyone who you ship with him ig) because it's one of his ways of showing affection 

- He has trauma induced insomnia from living on alternia, because he would always have to run and hide from drones in his house 

- it's a huge part of the reason he almost never went outside 

-  and murderstuck helped cement it even further 

- but when he's around dave (or anyone you ship with him these are my headcanons but if you dont ship davekat thats fine) he feels more safe and can sleep easier 

- kanaya is his morail 

- dave is his matespirit and kismesis 

- terezi is their auspice  

- when he first saw sollux in the dream bubbles he cried and hugged him, then punched him 

- he still hasnt completley forgiven eridan for murderstuck

ok thats it if anyone wants to request any headcanons go ahead just nothing icky like in(3st or p3d0 shit.

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