more rosemary hcs bc theyre my otp

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- cuddles!!!! 

- they always cuddle eachother in bed before going to sleep, rose rubs kanaya's back and kanaya will hum softly to give rose something to focus on because she knows that her girlfriend's thoughts can be overwhelming sometimes if she doesn't have a book to distract herself 

- back when they were still pining for eachother rose would always go on and on about how amazing kanaya is to terezi, (i hc them as besties bc yknow theyre aspects match and stuf) and kanaya would also ramble about rose, except to karkat 

-eventually terezi and karkat made a plan to get them together, which ended up horribly, with dave constantly intruding and causing #davekat moments in the bg, and vriska would watch the chaos, adding #vrisezi too 

- rose once overheard a conversation from kanaya and karkat, with kanaya talking about how much she loved flowers, so rose got really into flower psychology and asked jade about gardening and got really invested in flowers in gen, so she could make kanaya a flower garden and give her beauquets

- kanaya then revealed that rose didn't hear the entire thing and she was actually alergic to pollen

- rose ended up staying really invested in flowers, so to use in her writing, but gave fake flowers to kanaya instead

- dave didnt know they were dating until they got married (i know this is very anti-canon but THEYRE HC'S THEY DONT NEED TO BE CANON-)

god i love this ship 

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