even MORE rosemary bc. i am very normal about them. so. normal /s

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- rose writes secret poems about kanaya and really wants to show her them, but always freaks out about it whenever she gets the chance 

- eventually at their wedding she finally gets it together and gives her the book of poems that she's been writing since the first time they met

- kanaya loves it and gives rose a quilt she sewn with embroidery depicting all the most hugest moments in their lives together so far 

- they continue to update the quilt together even after their wedding 


- when rose gets nightmares about her mom, kanaya will shoosh-pap her until she can fall asleep again 

ok sadstuck's over now

- on earth c, kanaya reads the books that rose and terezi make  (only the age appropriate ones tho) to the wrigglers in the brooding caves 

- in those books, in  the sections with the honroable mentions and thanks to, rose lists kanaya as her wife and writes all sorts of kind and mushy things. everytime kanaya reads those parts, her heart always melts. 

adasgsdgfdhdfhgdsfgsdfh this ship,,,, <33333 

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