rosemary hcs

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- on the meteor their second date to try to make up for the first one was also a disater so rose decided to make  a pillow fort and inside they just made hot cocoa while reading stories to eachother, laughing, and doing *romance* 

- rose makes the hot cocoa for the both of them by using these ingredients: 

- rose makes the hot cocoa for the both of them by using these ingredients: 

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- unlike the popular hcs, i think theyre actually awkard af

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- unlike the popular hcs, i think theyre actually awkard af. like romantic but soooo awekard holky shoits. lik. so. awkrd. 

- kanaya would try to make outfits for rose in secret but rose already knows about them so she trys to pretend to not know and act surprised when kanaya shows her, kanaya can see through this and so can rose, but they both do it anyways

- they always give eachother little forhed kisses and smoochs on the cheeck 

- in the meteor after they started dating they both kept their own rooms, but shared a pillow fort in a secret room most of the time 

- rose would write stories for kanaya to read bc she knows what troupes and things kanaya likes, then leaves the books in kanayas room for her to find as a present, kanaya loves them and would bind them into a more proper book and put them in the libary on the meteor, once they got to earth c she put them all in her personal libary as memoirs 

- on their wedding day, they had two vows. the more classy ones that they said in front of their friends, and the more cheesy and more true-to-themselves ones that they said in private 

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