roxy hcs

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- remeber that panel where roxy mentioned her mom aka rose having a lot of buckets in the house? and how his hair is kinda pointy, pointy like kanaya's.... 

-(yes i am saying i hc her as rose's and kanaya's love child i will fight you on this but its ok if u dont agree im just saying-)

- he uses she/he pronouns and is bigender, bisexual, and demi-ace

- she owns several pairs of heart shaped glasses in different colors and he always wears a different pair each day 

- roxy's favorite show is mlp bc dirk dragged him into it and now they always watch it together 

- his favorite charecter is pinkie pie 

-  she loves valentines day bc of the heart shaped chocolate and he always shares it with calliope

- he and calliope are dating 

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