~*• second chapter •*~

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she always thought reuniting with timothée would be hard and awkward. they didn't miscommunicate as badly as they did back then and it was nice to talk to someone she knew for so long.

she felt safe with him, no danger of him making fun of the way she spoke or  anything of the sort. he was attentive and sweet, completely understanding of what she meant at all times.

her style of speech was very unique, she used old and sophisticated words commonly because sometimes she still thought of the words she was going to say in french. it was a bad habit at this point, which strengthened once she got nervous; which she was.

this way, she also kept her guard up from others, but once she would warm up to a person, she would turn it off like a switch. it was a skill developed in school, which she still had the ability to use perfectly to seem more likeable.

- listen tim... are you free this evening? - she looked at her watch quickly before looking back into his eyes.

- i am, yes. - he nodded. - but i'm flying back to los angeles tomorrow. - she nodded, taking her mind off taking this hang out further with drinks.

- oh, okay. - her tone was indifferent, but she was sort of disappointed. it had been a long time since they spoke, so this brief hour was beyond short to catch up.

- i'm still down to hang out though, just no intoxication. if that is okay with you. - he offered, flashing her a smile.

- works for me, perfectly fine. - she said as she returned it.

- wanna get bagels? - he offered, raising his eyebrows, curious. she chuckled, she found him adorable.

- hell yes! - he laughed, relieved that she finally warmed up. he knew about her technique, she told him a long time ago. - i only know ones in brooklyn though, is there any in manhattan?

- nah, this would be nothing without a trip to brooklyn. - she had to agree, getting out of school and going to brooklyn for a cheap coffee was almost a daily thing for them as kids.

- subway? - she offered.

- back to my incognito then. - he giggled as he put his sunglasses on.

- timothée, it's dark. even darker in the subway. - he just shrugged with exaggerated frown, which led her to laugh and get out of her seat.

- right after you, ma chérie. - he pulled the door open for her with a sly smile.


the bagel place they used to go to was empty apart from the two, now sitting next to each other, quietly enjoying their food. they were eating slowly, too preoccupied with nostalgia.

- man, this place is godly. - timothée sighed with an impeccable amount of joy shining from his voice.

she couldn't help but beam at his joyous behavior while looking over the menu intently, in hopes of fonding the best bagel they sold, since she ordered what she always ate back in the day.

she considered finding the one she was enjoying already the most appetizing a win. timothée's eyes took in the store, as well as her and he couldn't believe how he ditched this town so many times.

his time in california was close to an end, mainly because of his loneliness there. he treasured new york way better than la, which led to him looking for apartments with his mom just a few months prior.

los angeles lost its charm from the moment he started reconnecting with old friends and focused less on new beggings. timothée realised he wanted comfort, rather than the unknowns.

retrouvaille - timothée chalametWhere stories live. Discover now