~*• fourth chapter •*~

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an alarm woke nesrin up from her blissful sleep, a peaceful and enjoyable dream fading right away as she growled grumpily, hence not remembering setting an alarm.

another voice yawned next to her as the ringing stopped. she turned her head despite her sleepy state. she was greeted with a bunch of dreads and a naked shoulder, as the person turned to face her too.

- forgot to turn it the fuck off. - mallory groaned, her words almost too low to hear.

- i came to notice that. - she smiled sarcastically, raising her arms above her hands, stretching with a loud yawn.

next thing she knew, she was out of bed, making her way towards the kitchen to make some coffee. sumire was already awake, sitting on her couch, on her phone. brianna was probably still snoring in the guest bedroom.

she reached for the top cabinet, taking out three of her rustic coffee cups, all different colors, all of which she found years ago in a vintage shop. the tiny coffee brewer was still on the stove, from the morning prior, coffee grounds in the bottom part.

she emptied it before setting up a mew batch, turning the stove on and setting her coffee brewer onto it. she stretched instead of waiting around for it to make a whistling sound, her shoulder cracking in the process.

- it's so weird to see you so dressed down. - sumire ducks her head around the corner with a shy smile. - and i mean it in the best way possible.

- i know what you mean. - she smiled back before looking down at her loose sweatpants, tied around her hips and a huge t-shirt hanging loosely from her shoulders. definitely not her usual outfit in front of people.

she liked being put together nicely and dressing up, only letting loose when she was alone. she would never go to the store in what she wore at home. that was probably the european in her.

she was comfortable enough to parade around the girls in these types of clothing and let them see her for who she really was. after all, her style was also apart of the mask that she so often wore.

- ooo, i smell coffee! - brianna came through the door, singing to herself as usual. nesrin said nothing, just chuckled and took out another coffee cup.

- you all will have to fight for the last two to go, i only have two in this little guy, for the moment being. - she remarked as she poured half of the ready coffee in the first cup.

ten minutes of bickering later, they all had their cups in their hands, chatting rather sleepily, all of them set on counters.

- i think i'll come here to drink coffee whenever i have free time. - mallory stated, looking deep into her drink.

- the charm of real coffee. - nesrin shrugged, smiling widely.


an hour later, when the three girls have gone on their way and nesrin was done with the dishes, she headed out to the theatre to have a conversation with her boss.

but before she did so, she sat on the edge of the road and pulled out her phone, only to be greeted with a a few notifications, one of them a text, from an unknown number. she pressed on it curiously, her eyebrows knitting in realization as she began to read.

"hey nes"
"it's timothée (chalamet)"
"dude i might have fucked up if i got the wrong number"
"whatever, i just wanted to apologize for how i reacted the other week"

she appreciated the effort instantly, not even knowing what might come out of it. she was certain it was timothée from the wording, it was very... him. she found it adorable how he clarified who he is, like his name is common, or she wouldn't know it's him right away from the spelling even.

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