Y3- Who escaped?

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Lily Potter almost spit out her coffee when she sat down one morning, ready to read another boring Daily Prophet. Only it's not as boring as she thought it would be.

She read the headline again. And again. And once more just to make sure she wasn't actually going blind.

She brewed coffee that morning instead of the usual morning tea, in hopes to wake up. She didn't even need the coffee to get her eyes open. A piece of paper and three words did plenty.

Shoving the mug as far away from her, Lily hastily scanned down the front page, eyes skimming through enough parts of the article to know she had not misread the headline.

She slammed the newspaper down on the table, grasping her chin as she panicked slightly. She couldn't move. She didn't want to move. Hell, she was too afraid to move.

Closing her eyes, she took in deep breaths, trying to calm down her erratic heart beat. Though she knew it would be of no use. Lily was terrified.

James was at work. Looking at the time, she knew Harry was still in bed. She swears that boy could sleep for days if he was able to.

Unable to form any logical thoughts, Lily got up to seek out any parchment or paper she could find, making a mental note to call some people through the muggle telephone as well when she passed by her kitchen.

Immediately, she ran to her study, trying to find a piece of parchment that didn't have any piece of data or notes on it.

Just when she was able to find a quill and ink pot, she heard the sound of the fireplace in the living room activating. Her disarrayed office was now the least of her worries.

On guard, she carefully picked up the closed ink pot, ready to throw it at whoever had just entered her home.

She slowly walked out of the study, her sock clad feet making no sound as she avoided any creaking floor boards. Lily scaled the wall, cautiously tip-toeing her way to the living room where she was able to hear the quiet shuffling of feet.

She wrapped her fingers around her wand in the back pocket, pulling it out as she inched away from the wall.

Lily threw the ink pot haphazardly into the living room, walking in with her wand out pointing at a figure.

"Oh my god!" She breathed, letting out a sigh of relief as she bent over with her hands on her knees.

"Katrina- what the fuck!" She gasped, falling to the ground as she tried to catch her breath.

Katrina, who had knocked over the Potter's iron display in her haste to escape the ash, was repairing it with her wand when she caught sight of an ink pot headed her way. Her quidditch reflexes from the years kicked in and she was able to catch it just in time for Lily to point a wand at her.

It's been a strange day.

"Holy Rowena- Lily, are you trying to kill me!" Katrina said exasperated, dropping her bag on the ground and placing the inkpot on top of the fireplace.

"You tell me!" Lily exclaimed, looking around the living room to make sure it was only Katrina standing in it.

Katrina sighed heavily, shaking off her jacket before she took out the Daily Prophet from her back pocket.

"Well judging by your reaction Lils, you've heard?"

Lily could only nod, picking up her wand as she got up and walked towards the front of the house. Katrina followed, already knowing where her mind was at.

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