After the Heartbreak of Hell.

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Pentagram city, five years later...

The scene opens up upon one of hell's many clubs, and the name of this club isn't really important at the moment.

What is important however, is what's going on in the club's back door that leads to an alleyway.

The door bursts open as a male dark grey lizard demon is tossed out roughly, and lands on his back.

"H-Hey, man, c'mon! Let's just talk about this!" The lizard demon says as he crawls backwards.

Exiting the door, and entering the alley silently with fists clenched, is the one who threw the lizard demon out the door.

Looming over the lizard demon, is an angry anthropomorphic king cobra.

The cobra has yellow scales, with a yellow-orange band pattern going down his serpentine body, and dark purple scales on his underside. The scales are a lighter purple under his flared cobra hood. He has a pair of muscular humanoid arms with four orange claws on each hand, bright purple eyes with black outlines, and slitted pupils. On his left eye, he has two scars goin over it. One of them goes from over his eye, down to his bottom jaw.

His attire consists of a white short-sleeved dress shirt underneath a grey sleeveless vest, and a black neck tie.

You might be wondering as to who this cobra man is. In short, this is the notorious King Cobra. A snake demon that outshines the kingpin known as Sir Pentious.

King Cobra, narrowed his eyes in anger.

"The time for talking is over. You, and your overlord friend had your chance. Now is the time for action." King Cobra said bitterly.

"Oh c'mon, man! I thought we had a deal?! Surely an intimidating cold blooded killer such as yourself can listen to reason, right?" The lizard demon pleaded.

"We used to have a deal." King Cobra said, his serpentine body coiling around the lizard.

He held the lizard demon in a tight grip as he brought him close to his face.

"And do you think flattery will keep you alive?" The cobra man questioned.

"N-No?" The lizard demon stuttered.

Suddenly, the cobra pulls out a syringe with a yellow liquid, and the lizard demon's eyes widen bigger than dinner plates.

"Exactly." The cobra said.

"W-Wait wait- NO!"

King Cobra, stabbed the needle into the lizard demon's neck, and injected the liquid into the demon's bloodstream.

The lizard demon's pupils shrunk in horror as to what had been done to him.

King Cobra released the lizard demon from his coils, and the lizard fell to his knees as his breathing became rapid as he began to panic.

The snake demon wrapped his tail around the lizard's throat, and pulled him close to the cobra's face again.

"Go tell your friend, Missi Zilla, that the King Cobra sends his regards." He growls with a smirk, releasing the lizard demon's throat.

The lizard demon scrambled to get to his feet, but kept tripping over himself as he made his way to the door. He began to panic even more, and his rapid breathing began to sound like he was rapidly gasping for air. He finally got his footing, and quickly opened the door, then ran inside while screaming "MISSI!"

The King Cobra's smirk faded away once the door slammed shut, and became a more stone cold glare as he grumbled to himself.

"Tch! Pussy."

Venom of a Broken Cobra. (A Helluva Boss Story).Where stories live. Discover now