VII - Dinner and a Show

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TW/CW: Censored swearing, Eating disorders

Trophy's POV

In the living room, everything was set up for a performance. A console piano and microphone were on a makeshift stage. Suddenly, an awful screech was heard, causing some to cover their "ears" in anguish. Feedback.

"Ahem. Testing, testing, uh, omelet." Paper spoke nervously into the mic. "Hello, residents. As you can see, we have a little "stage"," He did air quotes. "Set up for a performance by Yin-Yang. Sadly, OJ will not be joining us, as he put it, he's "overwhelmed". Uh, he was-" Paper stopped to clear his throat. "Talking to me about money, budget, jobs, stuff like that." OJ's becoming a recluse, and making Paper do the announcing. Me, Tissues, Cheesy, Yin-yang, Lightbulb, and Paintbrush have recently formed a small "GSA" (Gender-Sxuality Alliance) within the hotel, we decided we'll meet in Lightbulb and Test Tube's room since it's the least cluttered. Our little friend group sat at one table, Test Tube and Fan close by.

(A/N: I stuck with canon roomates mostly, but I did pair some people who, according to the II wiki, haven't had their room arrangements revealed yet)

We were served a few minutes later.

"So, what days should we meet up? It should work with everyone's schedule and be somewhat frequent." Paintbrush inquired.

"We should do it on Wednesdays!" Yin said happily.

"No! We should do it on Thursdays!" Yang contradicted.

"I have physical therapy on Wednesdays, and OJ also told me my talk therapy sessions will be on Thursdays, so those days are off the table." I informed the two twins. I poked around at my salad.

"Yeah. I decided Arts & Crafts would be on Wednesdays as well."

"I think we can all agree Saturday and Sunday should be the days we chillax." Lightbulb said. Everyone muttered in agreement.

"Oh, and since it has to be on a weekday, it needs to be before 4 PM. I've heard GSA meetings are usually like 2 hours long, and I need time to practice my stand-up routine before dinner." Cheesy chimed in.

"Oh, and it also needs to be after 9:00 AM. I don't like people in my room early in the morning."

"Any comments Tissues?" I asked.

"Nope, my schedule's free for the foreseeable future."

"So, how does Monday at 11:00 AM sound?" Paintbrush asked. Everyone gave their agreeing remarks, as our main course was handed to us.


The whole time, I tried to be social and eat my food. I'm never really hungry, since that d*mn voice in my head screams into my ears, telling me to lose everything I eat. But I try my hardest to keep it down. We laughed at Cheesy's jokes, listened to Yin-Yang's stories from growing up in Italy (A/N: i headcanon them as Italian bc they have an italian accent, and i'm gonna call it a headcanon until the creators say it's actually canon -PB, Apr 9 2022), and I had a really good time.

"I'm a bit nervous..." Yin-Yang said. Their performance was coming up. 

"Don't worry, Yin-Yang, you're gonna do great." Tissues reassured, side-hugging them. What a cute couple. 

"Hey, hey, Tissues, Yin-Yang." Cheesy said.

"Huh?" Tissues asked.

"If you two were a triangle, what kind would you be?"

"I don't know."

"Acute couple!"

Yin-Yang burst out into raucous laughter, causing some people to look at us, meanwhile Tissues gave nothing more that a soft giggle.

"And now, a musical number by Yin-Yang." Paper said. Yin-Yang walked onto the stage and sat down, a creak from their stool echoed through the room, it was that silent. Yin-Yang cracked their knuckles and lowered the mic to their level.

"Uh, hi, I'm uh, Yin-Yang, and uh, I'm gonna play a song. I thought of learning it when Tissues was in the hospital, it reminded us of him, aheh, ti amo, mio caro." They said awkwardly, shaking out their hands a little.

"Oh, dio." They said. They starting playing a melody, and singing. Yin-Yang could sing? I never saw either of them as a singer. (A/N: they're performing the song at the top of the chapter ushdkjadfbfh)

They were REALLY talented. I was surprised at how well they could play the piano, even more surprised at how Yang was controlling himself. When the song ended, everyone started clapping, and someone threw one of the roses that were in  vases on the tables. It hit them right in the face.

Yin-Yang came back to us.

"Yin-Yang, you have a cut on your face." Tissues exclaimed.

"Yeah, the rose had thorns." Yin explained.

"So, were you doing that together, or...?"

"I did the piano, Yin did the singing." Yang explained.

"It's easier to play and learn a song when we each take 1 part." Yin said.

"Well, it was very nice, but I'm very tired, so, I'm heading to bed. You coming, Tissues?" I asked.

"Uh, I think I'll stay with Yin-Yang for a bit." Tissues replied.

✰✰✰ In Yin-Yang and The Cherries' Room ✰✰✰

"So, what were you gonna tell us?" Yin-Yang asked eagerly.

"Well, I was thinking of... getting tested." Tissues replied.

"Tested? Tested for what?" Yin-Yang stroked YinYang Jr. carefully.

"Nutrients. Yin, Yang, I want a child."

g r e g n a n t ?  /j

there's chapter 7! I don't like doing cliffhangers, but i must do one now! it just felt right-

also i dont proofread my writing

859 words


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