✎Chapter Eleven✎

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Akaashi Pov

Maybe about a week has passed and nothing new has happened. Unless it was just a few days, it didn't seem to be that long...

Bokuto-san never said anything about the kiss. Either he probably regrets it or doesn't remember at all but why should I care about that? He's just my kidnapper and I'm a simple hostage.

All I need to focus on right now is trying to get out of here but what have I done you may ask, I've simply been eating whatever he brings me, showering when I'm allowed to which he always lets me shower, and painting since he bought me materials a while back, instead of figuring out ways to leave. 

Why is he currently being this way?

"Agaashi!" Bokuto-san bursts into the room, full of energy, unlike the other days where he would solemnly walk around the place.

"Yes, Bokuto-san?"

He rushed over and sat on the bed, pulling me onto his lap and I squeaked. What is going on??

"I can free you!"


He smiled. "I have one more task to do and if I can do that then you can leave and you won't have to deal with any of this anymore,"

"You're helping me escape?"

"Yes and no-?"


"I have to kill you,"


"They want me to kill you but I'm going to pretend that I did but I won't!"


"Is that your final task or something?"

He gulped and nodded.

He's lying to me. That's not his actual task is it-? Or it's probably just me but something is telling me that, that isn't what his task is...

"Okay, Bokuto-san,"

"I only have three weeks to figure out how to do this and once I do, then you'll be free to go back home!"

Freedom seems too soon and too quick. Something isn't right.

"Thank you Bokuto-san,"

"Mhm! Mhm! Also, I'm taking you out today on our first date!"


"Yeah because I want to make up for everything that has happened to you and I kinda like you too! Plus we need to cherish the last three weeks that we will be spending together,"

He hugged me tighter and I gasped.

"B-Bokuto-san too t-tight-"

Oh but his chest feels nice-

He quickly let go and backed away, raising his hands in surrender.

"Gah! Agaashi I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!!"

"It's fine Bokuto-san,"

He grinned happily. "You can get ready while I go shower and then we'll head out! I know a place that you'll love!"

"I will?" I asked.

"I hope you will!"

He sprung up and ran out of the room.

Dumbly, I sat there for a few minutes, just processing what had happened, and then I got up to change since I had already showered.

After the shower and quickly drying my hair, I sat on the bed and waited patiently.

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