✎Chapter Fourteen✎

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Akaashi Pov

After a short wait, Bokuto came for me once he got the address of my mom's then we headed her way.

Shortly finding her on some bench outside of some apple store. We tried to wake her but she would swat our hands away and Bokuto being his sweet self offered to take her home and clean her up. Though he wouldn't let me stay.

I didn't want to shower her and make her uncomfortable so instead I just quickly changed her and cleaned up a bit before writing her a note and leaving a cup of water with a pill beside it for her hungover.

Gonna admit that I even made a small meal that she could just heat up when she got hungry. If she does that is.

Oh, and my dumbass just realized that Bokuto-san now knows where my mom lives.


Back in the car, Bokuto hummed some random tune and I would occasionally send him smiles before realizing what I was doing and so I would shake it off then look away.

Besides him humming and me feeling stupid, the drive was rather silent then we got to his house where some lady was standing at his door. Bokuto frowned then went over, clutching my hand, and it was stupid of me to do so but I was more into the fact that his hand was intertwined with mine.

"Who are you?" Bokuto-san asked.

The woman gave a little jump from being startled then she turned around and gave a shaky smile and smacked Bokuto-san's chest with some paper that looked like an invitation. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous. I'm wondering why Bokuto-san hasn't said anything to that and who am I to be jealous of? It's not like he's mine. I shouldn't be jealous at all.

But you want him.

Who just said that? Oh, wait that was my mind speaking. I want him?

"I'm your neighbor, new neighbor and I just moved in a few days ago. We're throwing my husband a surprise party tomorrow and I wanted to invite you and your husband," she spoke with a smile.

I'm not his husband but her saying that just-I like her now!

"Ah, yes thank you and this is my soon-to-be husband, Keiji. And yes, we'll be there,"

Him saying that just made my heart go doki doki for no reason and oh my god I want to scream.

"Great! Nice to meet you both, I'm Lily and I can't wait to see you both there! I gotta head on to the store now so bye now oh and here is the invitation, see ya!"

She rushed off after giving us the invitation. The invitation was nice and simple. The colors on it were white, black, a little bit of yellow and some red. It was a velvety red. Lily seemed like a nice, pretty girl. Lily had a petite figure, short brunette curls, almond-colored eyes, and a natural blush to her cheeks.

"So, soon to be husband am I?" I jokingly said and he unlocked the door, giving me a smile over his shoulder.

What does that mean? What did that smile mean? Did it mean something? Am I overthinking this?!

Inside the house, Bokuto left to his room and I blankly went to the other room and plopped on the bed. For a while I just sat there, alone. Actually, that is a lie, I was alone with my thoughts.

"Agaashi!!! We never got to paint earlier can we paint together now?" Bokuto-san asked with a pout and I smiled, nodding at him.

"Of course we can paint together Bokuto-san,"


He rushed over, pulling the canvas in front of us and he set the paints down before sitting beside me, his shoulder brushing mine.

"Agaashi what should we try and paint?"

Picking up one of the brushes, I looked at the colors and then looked at him. "Let's start with something simple."

"Oh then maybe a simple flower?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

"Sure Bokuto-san,"


In silence, we both began painting but it seemed we both felt content in just being like that. That was until Bokuto let out a whine and fell back on the bed.

"Is something wrong Bokuto-san?"

"Kaashi I can't paint as pretty as you! I don't even know what to do!" he grumbled with a pout and I chuckled.

"It doesn't have to be perfect Bokuto-san,"

Looking over at his painting, it was a sunflower, and to be honest it wasn't bad at all. Heck, it was actually really good. It was a simple sunflower and the middle area was very detailed so why is he whining?

"Kaashi teach me your ways!" he begged and sat back up.

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

He shrugged then grinned and sat behind me, putting his hands in mine. "You move my hands in movements how you do?"

"Uh okay then, I'll try I suppose,"

He rested his head on my shoulder, watching as I put the brush in his hand and moved his hand in certain motions across the canvas.

"You're hands are very pretty Kaashi,"

"Thank you Bokuto-san,"

He hummed happily and after a few more strokes to the canvas, we finished.

"Do you understand now Bokuto-san? Simple and light strokes to this but then again it also depends on the type of brush you have, the material of the canvas, and such,"

"I do understand,"

Smiling to myself, feeling even happier with the moment, I turned to him and my breath hitched. He was smiling back at me but his face was fairly close to mine. Of course, it would be but I won't say I didn't mind. I like this though I'm not gonna admit it.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, his eyes fluttering down to what I believe are my lips before he looked back up to my eyes.

I couldn't help but do the same and I'm not sure what happened but we seemed to get closer and closer until our lips met.

He placed his palm on my cheek and I cupped his face, still kissing him back.

I couldn't pull away from his sweet lips as we fell back into the bed. The kiss never breaking even as we both started to run out of air. Though the kiss was gentle, sweet, and slow, there was something underneath it all that just made us both want more.

Are we lusting for each other?

If so, then I don't think I'd mind being ravaged.


A/N: So I made this chap a little longer and tried to make it sweet for what's to come. Also, the next chap might surprise ya'll, well maybe. And your daily reminder to make sure to eat and stay hydrated.

▪︎ A.A.T ▪︎


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