✎Chapter Sixteen✎

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Akaashi Pov (nsfw)

After telling Lily and her husband that we were headed home, we came back and Bokuto said he was going to shower and I got an idea that caused me to feel like a pervert.

He was in the shower and what did my mind tell me? My mind said to get naked and get in with him. Was I considering this option? Yes, yes I was. Am I going to do it?

I want to...

NO! I will not do that! Nope no never!

...I can be bold at least once though-no?

I groaned loudly and fell back into the bed. Should I do it? I mean he is my boyfriend now...but he needs privacy and I need consent for that don't I?

Should I be reckless?

Fuck it!

Walking to his bathroom, I stripped right in front of the door before quietly walking in and quietly closing the door behind me.

Oh my god no no no! What am I doing? I need to leave oh my god!!!

"Keiji, is that you?"

My entire body tensed and I stood frozen in my spot. Do I tell him it's me or do I try to leave as quietly as possible?

The shower curtain started moving to the side and I gripped it.

"Y-Yeah it's me, Keiji,"

"Oh, you scared me for a second. What are you doing?"

"Sorry about that and uh nothing why?"

"Well I mean, you refuse to let me move the shower curtain to let me see you,"

Oh yeah, it's because I'm NAKED and EMBARRASSED!!!

"Oh you know I just had to use the bathroom and the other one wasn't working so..."

"Huh, I thought I fixed it,"


Someone kill me right now.

Seems like he went back to showering and I let go of the curtain.

Fuck it! Fuck!!!

Deciding to just throw my reasonable side away, I moved the curtain and stepped in, standing a bit behind him.

Oh, what a nice ass-er I mean uhh-

Bokuto-san turned around and squinted his eyes at me before they suddenly brightened and he grinned. Of course, I awkwardly looked up before I could see his area even though I had already seen his ass and such.

"Agaashi! If you wanted to shower with me you could've asked no! I am yours and you are mine so you can always shower with me,"

"T-Thank you Bokuto-san,"

Bokuto suddenly hugged me and oh his muscles feel nice-no stop it!

Hugging him back, the water started going down my body too and I shivered. This is nice.

Finally looking down, I saw it and I swear my eyes almost popped out of my head. Big and thick he was-

Flustered, I looked back and he was already looking at me, giving me a sheepish grin.

"Don't let it startle you,"

How can he just say it like that??

...Would that fit inside me-FUCK!!! STOP!!!

Blushing, I looked away before thinking once again. Simply just fuck it.

Cupping his face, I kissed him and his hands lowered to my waist before I decided to wrap my arms around his neck.

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