chapter 6

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"Adrianna!!", I yelled out as soon as I saw her walk out the school doors. I was suppose to pick to pick up my sister but I been out here waiting on her since school ended. "What carter?" adrianna asked me as she crossed her arms  in front of her chest standing in front of me. "Dang ma no need to have an attitude I just only wanted to ask you a question" I said to her when I noticed she had an attitude. "Well ask I don't have all day carter" she said to me while rolling her eyes, "Man I just wanted to know if you know where my sister is" I finally asked her. "She has detention", I came all the way up here to this school for no reason she should have at least texted me and told me not to come. "Aye you want a ride home?" I asked adrianna as she was just about to walk away from me, "Nah I'm good I can walk"she said to me with hella attitude. I don't know what the fuck her problem is but she not finna take her anger out on me. "Ard then walk ya ass home I was only trying to be nice and offer ya ass a ride home" I told her,  "I don't need you to play nice and offer me a ride home carter I can walk" she said to me and started to walk away from me. I just shook my head my head and hopped in my whip I don't got time for young girls like her I'm just worried about getting this money.



"Ricardo you not paying me no attention" I said to my boyfriend as he sat on the edge of his bed on his phone and not paying me any attention. "Man what the fuck is you talking about" he said to me as he finally looked up from his phone since I been here,"What's so important on that phone that you can't pay your girlfriend any attention" I asked him, as stood in front of him. "Man nothing is more important then you" he said to me as he pulled me in his lap and started to kiss on my neck. "No ricardo I'm not trying to have sex today" I said to him as he started to fumble with button on my pants. "Then what the fuck is you here for" he said to me as he pushed me aside off his lap, "Whatchu mean what I'm doing here I obviously wanted to come see my boyfriend" I said to him. "Man what ever I'm not trying to argue with you today but I got a serious question" he said to me as he turned to look me in my face, "what is it ricardo?" I asked him. "It's about about your brother" as soon as he said that I got up from my seat next to him and stood in front of him "What about my brother", "Dang chill bae I just only wanted to ask if your brother got a new connect" he said to me as he looked up at me. "Ricardo you know I can't tell you that","And why not?" He asked me, "Because that's my brother", "And I'm the love of your life, crystal if you really love me you would just tell me" when he said that I caught a little attitude. "I hate when you do that you always claim I don't love you when you know I do" I said to him with tears starting to roll down my face, "Then prove it, tell me" he said back to me brushing his hands against my face wiping the tears off. I hesitated for a little bit then finally said "Yea he do" in a whisper, "What? I can't hear you" he says to me. "I said yea he got a new connect" I said to him with more confidence. "See baby that's why I love you" ricardo says to me as he pulls me back into his lap, "I love you too ricardo".

3 weeks later....

Adrianna-(her house)

My life is over I thought to myself as I looked down at a positive pregnancy test in my hand as I sit on the bathroom floor. How could I let this happen I thought to myself as tears started to come down my face. A knock sounded at the bathroom door I hurried and stuffed the test in my pocket "Adrianna" I my mom call out to me from the other side of the door "Yes mom" I called out trying to make my voice sound normal, "Crystal downstairs I'm going to send her upstairs" she said to me me. "Okay mom" I heard her footsteps fade away from the door. I made sure to splash some cold water on my face before walking out the bathroom, I left my room door open for crystal. "What's up my bitch" she said to me as she walked in my room and closed the door behind her and sat on the bed, "Hey hoe" I said to her as I changed into my pajama shorts and tossed the pants I was wearing next to the dirty pile of clothes in the corner, which was probably a bad idea because the test came out of the pocket. "Adrianna what's that" crystal asks me as she looks back in forth from the test and back to me, I hesitated for a bit "A positive pregnancy test" I finally say to her.
Ricardo in mm...
-Sorry for the late update since its summer I'm going to start to update more
-Comments and vote if you like the chapter  
-the next chapter will probably be longer this was just a filler
-I updated the introduction

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