Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

When I got my schedule I looked over it

1st British Lit.

2nd Spanish IIII

3rd Psychology


4th Gym

'Hmmm well at least I only have 4 classes instead of 7' I thought to myself. Feeling pleased with my classes I walk to my first period even though I was 15 mins late.

"Room 130 Mr. Ryan" I said out loud, yapp this is the room I thought as I walked in and everyone's head turned towards me like i was an alien. I walked over to Mr. Ryan giving him my schedule I noticed he was staring at me. He told me to have a seat next to Mr.Smith I looked at him like who.

He said "Mr. Smith" and that asshole from earlier spoke up

"Well well well if it isn't kitty, looks like your next to me" he said winking at me.

"Fuck" I cursed under my breath and went to my seat, could this day get any worse I thought.

"So kitty what's your name" he said

"It damn sure isn't kitty, and if you must know its Aaliyah"

"Aaliyah huh... I like it I'm Kaiden" 'hmm Kaiden sure fits him' I thought

"That's nice Kaiden now if you don't mind I'm going to ignore you now" I said as I put my headphones in and put my head down. When suddenly my headphones were taken out

"What the.." I wasn't able to finish because Kaiden cut me off

"Look baby your new so I'll let your tone with me slide but next time I will punish you for speaking to me like that.. understand" he asked more like stated. 'Who the hell does he think he is' I thought

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but nobody and I mean nobody controls me got that" I said as the bell rung and I walk out to my next class.

Finally lunch I'm starved and after finding out I have all the same classes with Kaiden I needed food. As I was walking through the hall to the cafeteria I was pulled into a dark room I tried to scream but there was a hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream and I won't hurt you" that voice, I knew exactly who it was.

"What the hell Kaiden" I yell at him I was about to punch him when he caught my fist and pushed me up against the wall.

"Now what did I tell you about talking to me like that? Now I have to punish you" he said as he held my arms up with one hand and began kissing my neck.

I tried to get free but it was no use then suddenly his lips were on mine. He tasted of chocolate with a hint of strawberries, 'damn he tasted good' I found myself kissing him back. As soon as I got into the kiss he was gone, 'damn that was hot.. wait no what the fuck just happened??' I stood in the bathroom for about 5 minutes trying to figure out what just happened when my stomach growled. Fuck it lunch here I come I thought to myself but when I entered the cafeteria it got quiet and everyone was watching my every move.

"What the hell are y'all looking at" I yelled and went to get my food. 'Mmmm pizza, burgers, pasta and more damn I died and went to heaven' I thought as I grabbed a slice of pizza and a burger.


Well what do y'all think let me know :)



Peace love & I'm out :)

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