Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"HEY I'm Amanda I seen you this morning with Kaiden, girl you got some balls to talk to the hottest bad boy to ever step foot on earth like that. I thought for sure he was going to hurt you or his girlfriend Cindy would've fought you for disrespecting her man like that I mean.."

"Hey um can you breathe and stop talking please" I said cutting her off kind of annoyed since she followed me all the way to a table and kept blabbing about this morning.

"Oh sorry I just never seen someone actually talk back to him like you did that was just...really cool"

"Um thanks...I guess" I said finishing my last bit of food.

"No problem so what grade are you in" she asked

"Senior 2012 all day" I said smiling

"Hey me too, so what's your next class"

"I have gym"

"Me too" she practically screamed, grabbing my arm pulling me to our next class. 'She's not so bad' I thought to myself.

We enter the gym laughing turns out we have a lot more in common than I thought.

"HEY KITTY COME HERE FOR A SEC" Kaiden yelled across the gym.

"Who's kitty" Amanda asked

"Ugh that's what that arrogant asshole keeps calling me. THAT'S NOT MY NAME ASSHOLE" I yelled to him and the whole gym got quiet I mean seriously you could drop a needle and hear it.

"Tisk tisk tisk kitty kitty kitty now what did I tell you about talking to me like that now I have to punish you" he said as he stalked closer to me I held my ground not bothering to be intimidated by him

"And I thought I told you nobody controls me" I said when he stopped in front of me.

His eyes looked darker than before;

"Now kitty I see I'm going to have to teach you a lesson" he said smiling at me

"Yeah Kaiden like I'm really going to listen to you, you must have really lost your mind and how many times do I have to tell you my name isn't kitty"

"I like calling you kitty but if you prefer me call you something else just ask" he said with a cocky grin on his face ugh I just wasn't to smack that look off his sexy perfect face and kiss those perfect lips of his.

Whoa stop Aaliyah no get it together I mentally slapped myself;

"Well in that case can you stop calling me kitty Kaiden" I asked.

"Sure baby I won't call you kitty anymore" he chuckled

"KAIDEN ugggghhhh your an impossible arrogant asshole" I yelled

"Yeah I've been told but guess what baby" he said grinning


he put his lips close to my ear and whispered "this is my school and your mine" 'what the hell' I thought

"What do you mean I'm yours last time I checked your not my dad Kaiden" I said with an attitude as he grinned and said

"Meaning your mine and if anyone touches you are anything ill beat their ass" that made me get butterflies and weak knees, but I couldn't let him know he had that affect on me so I played it cool

"If that's your way of asking me out then your shit out of luck and besides you have a girlfriend so why are you fucking with me Kaiden" he smiled, grabbed my arm and lead me outside.

I swear I've been sitting in his car for almost an hour. I tried to leave but every time I try to escape him and his friends caught me ugh their annoying. I just want to punch them in their fucking face did i mention theres 6 of them theres Eric he's cute but hes the smallest one of them all he's 5'9, blond hair, baby blue eyes and not too muscular. The twins Zay and Tay fine as hell doesn't even describe how they are both 5'11 with hazel eyes the only difference is Zay has golden blond hair, he's the mean one while Tay has dirty blond hair, he's so sweet for a player. Jax 5'10 black hair and brown eyes finally a normal guy in the group well at least i hope. Ty 6' light brown hair with green blue eyes and amazingly sexy. He  tried to hit on me which i didn't mind, until Kaiden found out and punched him in the face ugghh i can't stand Kaiden's ass! Then there's Drew, Kaiden's bestfriend and damn he is almost as delicious as Kaiden. Drew is 6' golden brown hair with hypnotizing chocolate brown eyes damn i could just eat him all up. Yum well if Kaiden would let me breathe or go for that matter.


Watcha think? :)



Peace Love & I'm Out :)

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