Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Kaiden I'm leaving I'm bored, hungry, and I really don't want to be around you anymore" i said even though all i wanted to do was stay and smell is intoxicating scent, damn this man smell good.

"Baby now we both know you want to stay here its ok i know i smell intoxicating" he chuckled

'What the fuck how did he know what I was thinking?'

"What... that..that's crazy" I rambled

"You said it out loud Liyah" Drew said smiling at me.

I felt my cheeks heating up;

"Haha look is my baby embarrassed now" Kaiden chuckled as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

I kissed him back instantly my mind was screaming 'STOP KISSING HIM', but my body had something else in mind by the way i was getting all hot.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON MY MAN YOU FUCKING SLUT" was all I heard before I was pulled away from Kaiden and slapped in the face.

I didn't even think I pulled my fist back and punched the slutty looking barbie. She fell back, right when i was about to beat her face in i was pulled back and thrown into Kaiden's car.

"WHAT THE FUCK DREW!! LET ME OUT" I yelled but it was no use in trying to get out because Drew, Tay, Zay, and Eric stood in front of the doors so i couldn't escape. I saw Kaiden and that barbie bitch talking so i rolled down the window so i could hear what they was saying better.


"Cindy who are you yelling at?" Kaiden asked calmly.

"Sorry, but why are you kissing that bitch" Cindy said

"I GOT YOUR BITCH SLUT" I yelled out the car trying my best to get out so i could beat her ass, when Kaiden came up to the car and kissed me slowly with so much passion.

"Baby let me handle this ok" Kaiden said low enough for only me to hear. I was too dazed to argue back so i just shook my head ok.

"Now Cindy what have i told you about telling people your my girl" Kaiden questioned Cindy

"But I.."

"Cindy I dont care about your excuses whatever we were is completely over" Kaiden calmly said

"But.. but.. what about us Kaiden"

"Cindy there never was an 'us' and there never will be" Kaiden said as he got into his car.

"YEAH BITCH KAIDEN'S MY MAN" I yelled just to piss her off more as we drove away.

"Wait Kaiden my car, I drove to school today"

"Drew's driving it back to your place"

"Ok.. wait he doesn't have the keys"

"I gave them to him while we was kissing" ugh i swear he gets on my nerves

"So where are we going" i asked

"You'll see soon enough" was all he said before he turned on the radio.

"Baby wake up" Kaiden said

"Where are we" i asked still a little groggy as i looked around and noticed a big beautiful lake with trees surrounding it, it was beyond beautiful.

"This is where we all hang out to escape from from the world" he said as i got up and noticed we was laying down on a blanket..'Wait LAYING DOWN, BLANKET, KAIDENS ARMS WHAT THE..'

"Kaiden how long was i asleep" I asked confused

"About 2 hours" he said

"Well how long have we been here"

"About an hour and a half"

I looked at him like he was crazy;

"Well why the hell didn't you wake me up"

"Baby what have i told you about talking to me like that now i have to punish you" he said with a serious face that made me run.


Let me know your opinions :)



Peace Love & I'm Out :) <3

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