Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"AALIYAH I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU! WHY DIDNT YOU CALL OR ANSWER YOUR PHONE" my mom yelled as soon as I stepped one foot in the house.

"Damn mom give me a break" i said half ignoring her as I grabbed a bottle of water.

"Aaliyah just let me know next time you decide to stay out this late, I'm going to bed goodnight" my mom said as she walked off.

Damn she acts like i was out all night i said checking the time. Damn it's 11:50pm ok now i feel bad. *Sigh* 'I'll apologize in the morning' i thought as i walked to my room. As i pulled off my shirt, just as i was about to take off my bra i realized my blinds were open. I slowly got off my bed as i went to go close the blinds I saw Kaiden walking into his room next door. "So Kaiden's my nieghbor, wait what!?..

'OMG KAIDEN IS MY NEIGHBOR'!! I screamed in my head 'so thats how he knew where I live that little creeper' I thought as I looked out my window. I was about to close my window when I saw him taking his shirt off and i think the word DAAAAAMMMMMNNNN still doesn't justify how sexy his body is. I found myself watching his every move until he went to take his shower. 'Damn that was hot' i thought as I went to go take a hot shower, after the crazy but fun day I had, the steaming hot beads of water pounding on my back helped relax me. After almost 30 minutes and feeling squeaky clean, I got out feeling refreshed. I wrapped my favorite pink and neon green towel, with my name on the outside, around my body. 'I know it's weird to have a favorite towel but hey no one said I wasn't weird' i thought to myself as i walked into my room and the lights were off

"Hmm I must have turned my lights off" I said to myself as i dropped my towel and turned my lamp on. I threw on a long T-Shirt turned my lights off and got in my bed.

I was almost asleep when I felt my bed dip down

"Mom I'm trying to sleep can we talk in the morning" no response instead I felt arms wrap around me

"Mom im sorry about earlier I just hate that we move a lot.." No response so i decided to just go to sleep. 'BEEP BEEP BEEP' i shut off my alarm and snugged back into my moms arms


"Ok" i said as i heard the front door close, i wonder if she cook me breakfaa....? Wait.. if my mom just left then.. whhooo....

"AAAHHHHHHH" i screamed and fell out of my bed

"BABY WHATS WRONG" Kaiden asked jumping out of my bed with just his boxers on and damn he looked delicious no wait..


"Uhh sleeping" he said in a duh type of way as i looked at him like he was a psycho killer.

"So what's for breakfast" Kaiden asked as he went to my bathroom to take a shower. I've been sitting on the floor for almost 10 minutes in complete shock. 'He can't be serious I've known him for 1 day and he's acting like we've been together for years. Not saying we are together or anything, don't get my wrong I like him and all but we aren't official I can date whoever I want. I mean he can't..'

"Baby are you ok" Kaiden said snapping me out of my rambling thoughts

"" i said getting up to get ready for school

"Hey Kaiden"

"Yea baby"

"We aren't together so don't think we are" i said as i walked into my bathroom to get dressed.

I put on my green and black 'I Love My Boyfriend' shirt, green skinny legs and black wedges. Putting on light makeup and my hair in a messy high ponytail i look at myself in the full length mirror. Happy with my look I opened my bedroom door and the smell of bacon instantly filled my nose, grabbing my iPhone, headphones, bag, and keys and rushed to the kitchen. 'Mom must have made me breakfast' i thought and did my happy dance to the kitchen. As I walked in the kitchen i saw Kaiden putting pancakes on a plate. Eggs, sausage, bacon, and apple juice on the counter, everything looked so good my mouth began to water.

"Ahh baby, I was wondering when you would come down here and nice dance moves" he said smirking

"Oh hush, I didn't know you could cook" i said a he set a plate in front of me

"Duh I'm a man who likes to eat, now hurry up and eat we have to get to school. Oh by the way nice shirt" he said winking and smiling showing his beautiful white teeth while shoving a fork full of pancakes into his mouth.


Soooo What do you think..??



Peace, Love, & I'm Out :) <3

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