Chapter 33-Jai

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Megan looks so excited as we walk up to two couples in the vip room. I recognize the one from Priceless but the others I don't know. She doesn't have to say anything because he recognizes me.
"Jai Courtney, I never thought you would approach me," he says rising and shaking my hand.
"Hey, how are you?" I ask.
"Good, thanks. And you?" he smiles.
"Good," I smile as well. "My girlfriend is a fan of yours."
She giggles but waves. "Sorry, I don't want to get close. I don't handle flying well," she says covering her mouth and keeping her distance.
"I've got some dental care if you want," a lady with an American accent says handing her a pack with a toothbrush and paste.
"Thank you, Moriah," she says taking it.
"No worries. I don't handle flying well either. I've got several so it's no big deal," she replies.
Megan takes it and steps off. Meanwhile, I'm left with a group I really don't know.
"Care to join us?" Joel asks.
"Sure," I shrug.
I take a seat on the black leather lounge beside him. He's on the other end. Moriah—I'm assuming is his wife—is on a nearby chair. They have matching bands. The other two do as well on the two-seat sofa.
He introduces me to everyone—his wife, then his little brother, Luke, and his wife, Courtney. We all shake hands and exchange pleasantries.
"So, your girlfriend likes Christian music or films?" Joel asks.
"Both," I reply. "I think we actually have concert tickets to your tour next month. She wanted to take the youth group at her church there."
"Really?" he asks happily. They all share a look.
I nod. "In America?" I nod again.
"Which one?" he asks curiously.
"Somewhere in Michigan. Near Detroit, I think. It begins with a Y," I reply.
"Ypsilanti?" Luke asks looking at his phone.
"That's the one," I nod.
"So, you're taking a youth group to a Christian concert?" Luke asks me with a smile.
"I guess I am," I grin.
"How'd you two meet?" Courtney asks.
I laugh and explain it, telling them about everything—summed up, of course.
"That's incredible. Welcome to the family," Joel says. He actually comes over and hugs me. They all do actually and I feel so welcome—like this is a family.
Megan comes back out smiling.
"Come join us," Joel invites her. "We've just heard all about you."
Her smile widens and she sits beside me.
Joel introduces everyone again for her sake—whether she needs it or not. We all get to talking and then eat something together since their flight is delayed. Megan is actually calm and friendly with them besides the initial reaction. They ask about what she does for a living and she says she's kind of just become an artist. I add that she has many talents—music being one of them. The ladies excuse themselves to go to the bathroom and I'm left alone with the two blokes.
"So, she's meeting the rellies. That's big," Joel smiles.
"It is," I nod grinning.
"Are you committing to this one?" he asks.
"I already have her father's blessing," I admit biting my lip.
He smiles. "Congrats," they both say.
I smile bashfully in response. "I'm just waiting on her really," I admit. "Plus I'm not sure what to do. The last one made it rather unromantic. I was hoping for it to be meaningful."
"You mentioned she's led worship at church," Luke says. "Any recordings?"
I nod and pull up the page. I play her latest leading worship. "I haven't heard this one before. She sounds different—kind of stronger but like with a cold," I say.
"Was she crying?" Joel asks. I nod.
"So, she can sing amazingly, even when not at her best. How about another?" Luke says.
I pull up one from Jamaica.
"She is fabulous," Joel comments surprised. He looks to his brother and they come up with a plan for me. I laugh in disbelief but agree to it. We talk a bit more about other topics as we wait for their return.
"You know, becoming a Christian will change how people see you," Joel comments. "You've been in one crowd in the past and joining another now. It may be a problem for your career," he warns me.
"She's worth it," I say seeing her walking towards us.
"Just remember that in the hard times. God will see you through this," he advises.
Their flight arrives and we wish them well. We tell them we'll see them next month and Joel winks at me. I laugh and thank them for everything.
"You want to go home?" I ask.
"Yeah, the jet lag kind of hit me just now. I'm exhausted all of the sudden," she says.
"Yeah, I'm stuffed. Let's get our baggage and get out of here," I say.
"Alright," she nods in agreement.
We go to the main reception desk and they have our belongings pulled aside. I help her to take them outside and we hail a cabbie to drive us home. The drive takes a while and Megan is already nodding off on my shoulder. I put an arm around her and kiss her forehead. I'm stuffed but I can't stop smiling that she's here with me.
We arrive and the cabbie helps me with the bags to the door. I tip him well and thank him. I walk Meg up to her room. I'm tempted to give her mine, but then I'd be in there constantly grabbing my duds and whatnot and figure I should just stick to the plan. She collapses on the bed on top of the doona. I slip her runners off and get her more comfortable. I open the door to the bathroom so it's easy for her to see it. I put all her luggage in her room and then drag mine to my bedroom. I collapse just like her and kick my joggers off but I'm out before I've moved the doona.

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