Chapter 78-Jai

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I take Meg to her gym after brekky. It's actually pretty nice. I kiss her goodbye and leave to my gym. I arrive there and warm up by myself since my mate isn't here yet. Neither is the other bloke—Brock, I think she called him.  He's decent looking—dark hair, blue eyes, fairly built.  I've actually seen him around here before.  I know she's mine, though, and so does he.  She's mentioned that he's made her a bit uncomfortable. 
My mate arrives and we spar a bit.  He can't hold his ground to me, though.  I take him out quickly.  I think my fellow actors just work out a bit—they don't actually get into it like me.  I feel like this is what helps me to maintain.  It's so much easier to keep at it then have to build it back up later. 
I help him up and tell him it was a good try.  I think he feels foolish.  Everyone always wants to challenge me and the only reason the other bloke got some hits in was because I was looking at my girl at first.  Then that bloke flirting with her concerned me.  She's defo not interested, though.  I know by how she behaves around him and her mannerisms.  He clearly makes her uneasy.  I see him enter the gym out of the corner of my eye.  He surveys the gym before going to the locker room.  My mate heads there, too—clearly done for the day. 
I start my workout.  I do kind of like having a trainer so I don't really have to think about it but over the years, I've just come to jump from routine to routine—always switching it up.  When one thing seems less effective, I move onto something else. 
I'm currently at the heavy bags when he shows up beside me at the next.  I continue to hit for a while, then move to kicks. 
"Where's your girl?" he asks me. 
"Elsewhere," I tell him. 
"You didn't break up, did you?" he asks without real concern. 
"Nope," I reply. 
He doesn't say anything else about her and I continue my workout.  I do some free weights afterward and try to remember the movements Megan showed me before.  She is really skilled at training.  Sometimes I feel like there's nothing she can't do.  I defo felt like my workouts with her have been good ones—like some of the better trainers I've had.  She'd probably need to work a bit on nutrition, though, but she doesn't need to go to school for that—she also doesn't need that as a career since she's doing just fine on her own. 
I finish up and shower, then dress in the locker room.  Brock approaches me. 
"So... did she go to that park she wanted to go to yesterday?" he asks me nonchalantly. 
"I don't know what you're talking about, mate," I tell him pulling my shirt on. 
"She said she'd rather go to a park than do something with you," he shrugs. 
He walks away and I'm instantly irritated.  I don't know what his deal is but he's defo interested and trying to cause problems.  I go pick up Megan and walk into the building. I see her seated in the lounge room. I step up to her and she lifts her eyes to me smiling.
"I missed you," she tells me reaching out and holding me.
I tell her the same. I wrap my arms around her and sigh.  I kiss the top of her head a couple times before she releases me.  I walk her out to my car and put her bag in the boot before opening her door.  I start 'er up and turn to her.  She's smiling at me. 
"Did you have a good workout?" I ask her. 
"I did.  I talked to a couple ladies in there.  One of them just had a baby and is trying to get back to her previous size," she tells me. 
I'm glad it's just ladies and I'm hoping there's no blokes bothering her there, too. 
"What's the matter?" she asks me.  She really can read me.
"I talked to your mate, Brock, a little," I admit. 
"Oh?  What'd he have to say?" she asks but I don't think she's all that interested.  I think she's just trying to be polite and that's comforting. 
"He asked where you were and assumed we broke up," I tell her. 
She snorts in response.  "Yeah, clearly he doesn't want to be friends," she replies. 
I find the situation kind of funny because we were friends for so long and I was always interested in her.  But she liked me. 
"Did he say anything else?" she asks. 
"He came up to me in the locker room and mentioned something about you going to a park because you didn't want to come with me," I tell her. 
She meets my eyes and looks angry.  "He said that?" she questions hurt. 
I nod. 
"I was looking at a map from around the hotel and saw a park there.  I thought it was you who sat down so close to me because who else would?" she says.  "I mentioned that I'd like to go there and I think he assumed I was bored at your interviews or something. He actually kept insinuating that and I told him that wasn't the case."
"You don't have to come if you don't want to," I tell her. 
"I thought about exploring yesterday but it wasn't because I didn't want to be with you," she frowns.  "Once he overheard what I was thinking, I got kind of weirded out, that he might follow me around."
I touch her cheek.  I'm not sure what she was thinking but she wasn't trying to hurt me.  She also is a bit freaked out by his behavior. 
"I've got one early interview today.  How about we both go after lunch and then I'll take you to that park?" I offer. 
She smiles in reply. 
"Do you mind if I stay in my room until you're done?" she asks.  "It's just that I've got something on my mind that I want to get on paper and it's a little hard for me to do it at your interviews."
"Alright," I nod.  "We'll both go to work and play later," I tease. 
She smiles at me and I lean in for a kiss.  I start to drive us out and I'm honestly a little sad she doesn't want to come.  I had to keep the others away because they caused trouble but she doesn't mind not coming.  I find that strange because I actually do want her there—to keep me company and for her support.  She's quiet and respectful, helpful at times and even joining in when asked.  I sigh shakily as I continue to drive us out.

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